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N9-Substituted N6-[(3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl)amino]purine derivatives and their biological activity in selected cytokinin bioassaysMIK, Vaclav; SZÜCOVA, Lucie; SPICHAL, Lukáš et al.Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry. 2011, Vol 19, Num 23, pp 7244-7251, issn 0968-0896, 8 p.Article

Influence of humic substances and nitrogen on yield, fruit quality, and leaf mineral elements of 'Early Spur Rome' appleFALLAHI, Esmaeil; FALLAHI, Bahar; SEYEDBAGHERI, Mir M et al.Journal of plant nutrition. 2006, Vol 29, Num 10, pp 1819-1833, issn 0190-4167, 15 p.Article

Plant uptake of iron chelated by humic acids of different molecular weightsBOCANEGRA, M. P; LOBARTINI, J. C; ORIOLI, G. A et al.Communications in soil science and plant analysis. 2006, Vol 37, Num 1-2, pp 239-248, issn 0010-3624, 10 p.Article

Fertilization and mowing effects on unimproved mixed-species hayfields in Quebec, CanadaERIKSEN-HAMEL, Nikita S; WHALEN, Joann K.Crop science. 2006, Vol 46, Num 5, pp 1955-1962, issn 0011-183X, 8 p.Article

Microentrappemnt of Azospirillum inoculant in calcium alginate gels and vermiculite for sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)VIJAYKUMAR SAVALGI; VEENA SAVALGI; NILESH PAKALE et al.Microbiological research. 1994, Vol 149, Num 3, pp 259-262, issn 0944-5013Article

Effect of liming on soil chemical characteristics and grass growth in laboratory and long-term field-amended soils. II: Growth of Italian regrass (Lolium multiflorum) and bentgrass (Agrostis tenuis)CURTIN, D; SMILIE, G. W.Plant and soil. 1986, Vol 95, Num 1, pp 23-31, issn 0032-079XArticle

Dosage des éléments traces dans les résidus minéraux végétaux par spectrométrie d'émission atomiqueSIVOLOBOVA, T. S; LERNER, L. A.Počvovedenie (Moskva). 1985, Num 12, pp 116-119, issn 0032-180XArticle

Effects of fertilization on growth of 30-year-old lodepole pine in west-central AlbertaYANG, R. C.1985, 15 p., NOR-X-268Serial Issue

Changes in polypeptide composition and grain quality due to sulfur deficiency in wheatWRIGLEY, C. W; DU CROS, D. L; FULLINGTON, J. G et al.Journal of cereal science (Print). 1984, Vol 2, Num 1, pp 15-24, issn 0733-5210Article

Effect of heavy application of superphosphate and micronutrients fertilizers to highly calcareous soils on growth of corn and faba bean plants and their content and uptake of P, Fe, Mn, Zn and CuELSOKKARY, I. H; BAGHDADY, N. H. Y; AMER, M. A et al.1984, Num 40, pp 258-272Article

Un exemple d'utilisation du diagnostic sol à la programmation de la fertilisation en bananeraieGODEFROY, J; DORMOY, M.Fruits (1978). 1984, Vol 39, Num 2, pp 121-123, issn 0248-1294Article

Tillsats av selen till gödselmedel = Les additifs de sélénium dans les engrais = Selenium additives in fertilizersKORKMAN, J.1984, Vol 123, Num 4, pp 313-314Article

An evaluation of plant-borne factors promoting the solubilization of alkaline rock phosphatesBEKELE, T; CINO, B. J; EHLERT, P. A. I et al.Plant and soil. 1983, Vol 75, Num 3, pp 361-378, issn 0032-079XArticle

Elemental inter-relationships in perennial ryegrass from pasture: multivariate analysisJOBLIN, K. N; SEDCOLE, J. R; PRITCHARD, M. W et al.Communications in soil science and plant analysis. 1983, Vol 14, Num 7, pp 615-627, issn 0010-3624Article

Soil and pasture nutrient status on yellow-brown earth soils of the West Coast, South IslandMORTON, J. D; HANNAGAN, R. B.New Zealand journal of experimental agriculture. 1983, Vol 11, Num 2, pp 153-160, issn 0301-5521Article

Effets induits du type de fumure sur les paramètres chimiques du sol et sur le rendement paddy dans la plaine rizicole de Bagré au Burkina Faso = Effect of manures on soil chemical characteristics and paddy yield in irrigated rice system of Bagré, Burkina FasoSEGDA, Zacharie; LOUIS POULOUMA YAMEOGO; GNANKAMBARY, Zacharia et al.Journal de la Société ouest-africaine de chimie. 2013, Num 36, pp 35-46, issn 0796-6687, 12 p.Article

Improvement of growth of Eucalyptus globulus and soil biological parameters by amendment with sewage sludge and inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal and saprobe fungiARRIAGADA, C; SAMPEDRO, I; GARCIA-ROMERA, I et al.Science of the total environment. 2009, Vol 407, Num 17, pp 4799-4806, issn 0048-9697, 8 p.Article

Zinc deficiency in rainfed wheat in Pakistan : Magnitude, spatial variability, management, and plant analysis diagnostic normsRAFIQUE, E; RASHID, A; RYAN, J et al.Communications in soil science and plant analysis. 2006, Vol 37, Num 1-2, pp 181-197, issn 0010-3624, 17 p.Article

Effect of biological treatments on growth and some metabolic activities of barley plants grown in saline soilISSA, A. A; ABD-ALLA, M. H; MAHMOUD, A.-L. E et al.Microbiological research. 1994, Vol 149, Num 3, pp 317-320, issn 0944-5013Article

Altering dairy manure characteristics for solid handling by the addition of beddingSOBEL, A. T; LUDINGTON, D. C; KIM-VAN YOW et al.International agrophysics. 1988, Vol 4, Num 1-2, pp 31-48, issn 0236-8722Article

Utilisation par les plantes de l'azote des engrais placés à différentes profondeursKOREN'KOV, D. A; RUDELEV, E. V; KUZNETSOV, A. V et al.Počvovedenie (Moskva). 1986, Num 2, pp 63-68, issn 0032-180XArticle

Etudes sur Rhizobium dans les sols acides de TaïwanHSIN SU; CHING-TUAN LI; LIANG-PING LIN et al.1985, Vol 24, Num 2, pp 83-96Article

Inoculation of grain sorghum with AzospirillaEID, A. M; HEGAZI, N. A; MONIB, M et al.Revue d'écologie et de biologie du sol. 1984, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 235-242, issn 0035-1822Article

Evaluacion mediane el analisi foliar y de savia de la composicion de diferentes hojas de vid en el envero = Evaluation par analyse foliaire et analyse de la sève de la composition de différentes feuilles de vigne en serre = Evaluation through foliar and sap analysis of the composition of some grapevine under glasshouseSANCHEZ CONDE, M. P; GARCIA LOPEZ DE SA, M. E; LOPEZ-FANDO, C et al.Agrochimica. 1984, Vol 28, Num 2-3, pp 102-110, issn 0002-1857Article

Untersuchungen über die Entwicklung ertragsbildender Faktoren von Winterweizen bei unterschiedlicher Nährstoffversorgung = Etudes sur le développement des facteurs de formation du rendement chez le blé d'hiver avec des fertilisations diverses = Studies on the development of yield-forming factors in winter wheat with varying nutrient supplyKARABINOVA, M.Erhöhung der Erträge und Senkung des Aufwandes in der Pflanzenproduktion. 1984, Num 224, pp 267-270Conference Paper

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