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Utilization of fatty acids by Agaricus bisporus in commercial cultureHOLTZ, R. B; SCHISLER, L. C.Mycologia. 1986, Vol 78, Num 5, pp 722-727, issn 0027-5514Article

Effet des techniques de coupe sur la hauteur des cépées dans un taillis de chataignier (Castanea sativa Mill.) = The effects of cutting techniques on the height of stool's dominant shoots in a sweet chestnut coffice (Castanea sativa Mill.)CABANETTES, A; PAGES, L.Canadian journal of forest research (Print). 1986, Vol 16, Num 6, pp 1278-1282, issn 0045-5067Article

IV: Práctica tentativa deseable para el deshijado en la isla de Tenerife en base a las observacianes fenológicas y discusión general sobre el deshijado en Canarias = IV. Etude de la pratique de l'œilletonnage et de phénologie du bananier M. a. COLLA (AAA) cv. «Pequena enana»] dans l'île de Ténériffe. IV. Essai d'une pratique souhaitable pour l'œilletonnage dans l'île de Ténériffe sur la base des observations phénologiques et discussion générale sur l'œilletonnage aux Canaries = Study of practice of layering and phenology in the banana tree [M. a. COLLA (AAA) cv. «Pequeña enana»] on the island of Teneriffe. IV. Trial of a desirable practice for production of suckers on the island of Teneriffe, based on the phenological observations, and general discussion of production of suckers in the CanariesGALAN SAUCO, V; GARCIA SAMARIN, J; CARBONEL, E et al.Fruits (1978). 1984, Vol 39, Num 10, pp 606-611, issn 0248-1294Article

Die Waldbewirtschaftung im Trentino und der Forst-, Jagd- und Fischereidienst = L'exploitation forestière au Trentin par le service des forêts, de la chasse et de la pêche = Forest exploitation in Trentin (Italy) by the forestry, hunting and fishing serviceFERRARI, E.1984, Vol 135, Num 7, pp 555-561Article

Wald und Tourismus im Val Rendena. Zwei aufschlussreiche Beispiele: Val di Genova und Madonna di Campiglio = Forêt et tourisme dans le Val Rendena: deux exemples instructifs = Forestry and tourism in the Rendena Valley (Italy): Two instructive samplesCOLAONE, M.1984, Vol 135, Num 7, pp 599-605Article

I cedui nel Trentino: aspetti colturali a gestionali = Les taillis du Trentin: points de vue du sylviculteur et du gestionnaire = Trentin's coppices: points of view of foresters and administratorsLOSS, A; FERRAI, S.1984, Vol 135, Num 7, pp 585-597Article

Development of mushroom containers to optimise the weight of compost per given volume of growing facilitySMITH, J. F; LOVE, M. E.Scientia horticulturae. 1985, Vol 26, Num 4, pp 299-309, issn 0304-4238Article

Etude d'un prototype de machine à ramasser le coton adaptée au Soudan = Study of a machine prototype adapted to cotton harvest in SoudanSALAH, Abdalla Ahmed.1985, 253 pThesis

Selvicoltura naturalistica e boschi coetanei: l'esperienza trentina = Sylviculture adaptée aux conditions naturelles et forêts équiennes: les expériences = Silviculture adaptation to natural conditions and to even-aged stands: ExperimentsMAZZUCCHI, M.1984, Vol 135, Num 7, pp 575-584Article

Réflexions sur les cultures oléagineuses énergétiques. I: le jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis)―un lubrifiant d'avenir = Reflections about oil crop as sources of energy. I. Jojoba (S. chinensis), a lubricant to the futureMARTIN, G.Oléagineux (Paris). 1983, Vol 38, Num 6, pp 387-392, issn 0030-2082Article

Pleurotus mushrooms. I. B: Pathology, in vitro and in vivo growth requirements, and world statusRAJARATHNAM, S; ZAKIA BANO; MILES, P. G et al.CRC critical reviews in food science and nutrition. 1988, Vol 26, Num 3, pp 243-311, issn 0099-0248Article

A synthetic medium for the production of submerged cultures of Lentinus edodesSONG, C. H; CHO, K. Y; NAIR, N. G et al.Mycologia. 1987, Vol 79, Num 6, pp 866-876, issn 0027-5514Article

Using basidiospores of the oyster mushroom to prepare grain spawn for mushroom cultivationSAN ANTONIO, J. P; HANNERS, P. K.HortScience. 1984, Vol 19, Num 5, pp 684-686, issn 0018-5345Article

Components from wheat roots modify the bioactivity of ZnO and CuO nanoparticles in a soil bacteriumMARTINEAU, Nicole; MCLEAN, Joan E; DIMKPA, Christian O et al.Environmental pollution (1987). 2014, Vol 187, pp 65-72, issn 0269-7491, 8 p.Article

Land and agricultural productivity: Evidences from AlbaniaMUCA, Etleva; KAPAJ, Ana; GURI, Fatmir et al.International journal of food, agriculture and environment (Print). 2013, Vol 11, Num 3-4, pp 735-737, issn 1459-0255, 3 p., 2Article

Monitoring the fate of a 30-year-old truffle orchard in Burgundy: from Tuber melanosporum to Tuber aestivumMOLINIER, Virginie; BOUFFAUD, Marie-Lara; CASTEL, Thierry et al.Agroforestry systems. 2013, Vol 87, Num 6, pp 1439-1449, issn 0167-4366, 11 p.Article

Simulating the impacts of land use in Northwest Europe on Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE): The role of arable ecosystems, grasslands and forest plantations in climate change mitigationABDALLA, Mohamed; SAUNDERS, Matthew; HASTINGS, Astley et al.Science of the total environment. 2013, Vol 465, pp 325-336, issn 0048-9697, 12 p.Article

Adaptive capacity contributing to improved agricultural productivity at the household level: Empirical findings highlighting the importance of crop insurancePANDA, Architesh; SHARMA, Upasna; NINAN, K. N et al.Global environmental change. 2013, Vol 23, Num 4, pp 782-790, issn 0959-3780, 9 p.Article

Effects of Low Root Temperature on Dry Matter Production and Root Water Uptake in Rice PlantsNAGASUGA, Kiyoshi; MURAI-HATANO, Mari; KUWAGATA, Tsuneo et al.Plant production science. 2011, Vol 14, Num 1, pp 22-29, issn 1343-943X, 8 p.Article

Leaf Senescence of Soybean at Reproductive Stage is Associated with Induction of Autophagy-related Genes, GmATG8c, GmATG8i and GmATG4NANG MYINT PHYU SIN HTWE; YUASA, Takashi; ISHIBASHI, Yushi et al.Plant production science. 2011, Vol 14, Num 2, pp 141-147, issn 1343-943X, 7 p.Article

Towards automated compliance checking based on a formal representation of agricultural production standardsNASH, Edward; WIEBENSOHN, Jens; NIKKILÄ, Raimo et al.Computers and electronics in agriculture. 2011, Vol 78, Num 1, pp 28-37, issn 0168-1699, 10 p.Article

Analysis of Successive Internode Growth in Sweet Sorghum Using Leaf Number as a Plant Age IndicatorNAKAMURA, Satoshi; NAKAJIMA, Nobuo; NITTA, Youji et al.Plant production science. 2011, Vol 14, Num 4, pp 299-306, issn 1343-943X, 8 p.Article

Regression-Based Models to Predict Rice Leaf Area Index Using Biennial Fixed Point Continuous Observations of Near Infrared Digital ImagesSHIBAYAMA, Michio; SAKAMOTO, Toshihiro; TAKADA, Eiji et al.Plant production science. 2011, Vol 14, Num 4, pp 365-376, issn 1343-943X, 12 p.Article

Design, development and testing of hand-operated decorticator for Jatropha fruitPRADHAN, R. C; NAIK, S. N; BHATNAGAR, N et al.Applied energy. 2010, Vol 87, Num 3, pp 762-768, issn 0306-2619, 7 p.Article

Effect of Altitude on the Response of Net Photosynthetic Rate to Carbon Dioxide Increase by Spring WheatFUJIMURA, Shigeto; SHI, Peili; IWAMA, Kazuto et al.Plant production science. 2010, Vol 13, Num 2, pp 141-149, issn 1343-943X, 9 p.Article

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