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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 18207

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Recent progress toward development of vaccines against conceptionNAZ, Rajesh K.Expert review of vaccines. 2014, Vol 13, Num 1, pp 145-154, issn 1476-0584, 10 p.Article

Sexualité du couple lors de grossesse issue d'une procréation médicalement assistée = Sexuality of the couple during pregnancy stemming from a medically assisted procreationCHAABANE, K; TRIGUI, K; KEBAILI, S et al.Journal de gynécologie obstétrique et biologie de la reproduction. 2013, Vol 42, Num 3, pp 265-270, issn 0368-2315, 6 p.Article

Effect of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonist cetrorelix on the prevention of chemotherapy-induced ovarian damage in women with hematological malignancyDIGENI, Agathi; SYMEONIDIS, Argiris; GEORGOPOULOS, Neoklis A et al.International journal of gynaecology and obstetrics. 2012, Vol 118, Num 1, pp 73-74, issn 0020-7292, 2 p.Article

A maternally inherited autosomal point mutation in human phospholipase C zeta (PLCζ) leads to male infertilityKASHIR, Junaid; KONSTANTINIDIS, Michalis; PARRINGTON, John et al.Human reproduction (Oxford. Print). 2012, Vol 27, Num 1, pp 222-231, issn 0268-1161, 10 p.Article

Clinical factors associated with live birth after single embryo transferKRESOWIK, Jessica D. K; SPARKS, Amy E. T; VAN VOORHIS, Bradley J et al.Fertility and sterility. 2012, Vol 98, Num 5, pp 1152-1156, issn 0015-0282, 5 p.Article

Combined Effect of GSTT and GSTM I Polymorphisms on Human Male Infertility in North Indian PopulationJAISWAL, Deepika; SAH, Ravindra; AGRAWAL, Neeraj K et al.Reproductive sciences (Thousand Oaks, Calif.). 2012, Vol 19, Num 3, pp 312-316, issn 1933-7191, 5 p.Article

Cumulative newborn rates increase with the total number of transferred embryos according to an analysis of 15,792 ovum donation cyclesGARRIDO, Nicolás; BELLVER, José; REMOHI, José et al.Fertility and sterility. 2012, Vol 98, Num 2, pp 341-346, issn 0015-0282, 6 p.Article

Defective endometrial receptivityREVEL, Ariel.Fertility and sterility. 2012, Vol 97, Num 5, pp 1028-1032, issn 0015-0282, 5 p.Article

Development and current applications of assisted fertilizationPALERMO, Gianpiero D; NERI, Queenie V; MONAHAN, Devin et al.Fertility and sterility. 2012, Vol 97, Num 2, pp 248-259, issn 0015-0282, 12 p.Article

Developmental potential of embryos from intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles containing fragmented oocytesKASER, Daniel J; REICHMAN, David E; GINSBURG, Elizabeth S et al.Fertility and sterility. 2012, Vol 97, Num 2, pp 338-343, issn 0015-0282, 6 p.Article

Effects of acupuncture on pregnancy rates in women undergoing in vitro fertilization: a systematic review and meta-analysisCUI HONG ZHENG; GUANG YING HUANG; MING MIN ZHANG et al.Fertility and sterility. 2012, Vol 97, Num 3, pp 599-611, issn 0015-0282, 13 p.Article

Genetic variants in the ETV5 gene in fertile and infertile men with nonobstructive azoospermia associated with Sertoli cell―only syndromeO'BRYAN, Moira K; GREALY, Alicia; STAHL, Peter J et al.Fertility and sterility. 2012, Vol 98, Num 4, pp 827-835, issn 0015-0282, 9 p.Article

Glutathione peroxidase activity in seminal plasma and its relationship to classical sperm parameters and in vitro fertilization-intracytoplasmic sperm injection outcomeCRISOL, Lorena; MATORRAS, Roberto; ASPICHUETA, Fermin et al.Fertility and sterility. 2012, Vol 97, Num 4, pp 852-857, issn 0015-0282, 6 p.Article

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist leuprolide acetate and GnRH antagonist cetrorelix acetate directly inhibit leiomyoma extracellular matrix productionBRITTEN, Joy Lynne; MALIK, Minnie; LEVY, Gary et al.Fertility and sterility. 2012, Vol 98, Num 5, pp 1299-1307, issn 0015-0282, 9 p.Article

Hysteroscopic Metroplasty in Women with Primary Infertility and Septate Uterus: Reproductive Performance After SurgeryDALAL, Rutvij J; PAI, Hrishikesh D; PALSHETKAR, Nandita P et al.Journal of reproductive medicine. 2012, Vol 57, Num 1-2, pp 13-16, issn 0024-7758, 4 p.Article

Informing egg donors of the potential for embryonic research: a survey of consent forms from U.S. in vitro fertilization clinicsSCHAEFER, Gerald Owen; SINAII, Ninet; GRADY, Christine et al.Fertility and sterility. 2012, Vol 97, Num 2, pp 427-433, issn 0015-0282, 7 p.Article

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection in partial globozoospermiaDAM, Anika H. D. M; PIJNENBURG, Adriënne J. E; HENDRIKS, Jan C. M et al.Fertility and sterility. 2012, Vol 97, Num 1, pp 60-66, issn 0015-0282, 7 p.Article

Is it best to cryopreserve human cumulus-free immature oocytes before or after in vitro maturation?HAIYAN WANG; RACOWSKY, Catherine; COMBELLES, Catherine M. H et al.Cryobiology (Print). 2012, Vol 65, Num 2, pp 79-87, issn 0011-2240, 9 p.Article

Mathematical optimization of procedures for cryoprotectant equilibration using a toxicity cost functionBENSON, James D; KEARSLEY, Anthony J; HIGGINS, Adam Z et al.Cryobiology (Print). 2012, Vol 64, Num 3, pp 144-151, issn 0011-2240, 8 p.Article

The management of retrograde ejaculation: a systematic review and updateJEFFERYS, Amanda; SIASSAKOS, Dimitrios; WARDLE, Peter et al.Fertility and sterility. 2012, Vol 97, Num 2, pp 306-312, issn 0015-0282, 7 p.Article

The prognostic profile of subfertile couples and treatment outcome after expectant management, intrauterine insemination and in vitro fertilisation: a study protocol for the meta-analysis of individual patient dataDEN BOOGAARD, Nm Van; HOMPES, Pga; DER VEEN, F. Van et al.BJOG (Oxford. Print). 2012, Vol 119, Num 8, pp 953-957, issn 1470-0328, 5 p.Article

Use of gonadotropins for initiation of singleton gestations in non-assisted reproductive technology cyclesDIAMOND, Michael P; SINGH, Manvinder.Fertility and sterility. 2012, Vol 97, Num 4, pp 810-812, issn 0015-0282, 3 p.Article

L'envers de l'AMP, ou quand le désir prend corps = The other side of the ART, or when the desire takes shapeVACHER VITASSE, C; ROUGET, K; HOCKE, C et al.Gynécologie obstétrique & fertilité. 2012, Vol 40, Num 9, pp 529-535, issn 1297-9589, 7 p.Article

Les stimulations ovariennes modérées pour fécondation in vitro constituent-elles un réel progrès en assistance médicale à la procréation ? = Are mild ovarian stimulations for IVF-ET a significant progress in assisted reproductive technologies?TOLEDANO, M; LAMAZOU, F; GALLOT, V et al.Journal de gynécologie obstétrique et biologie de la reproduction. 2012, Vol 41, Num 1, pp 6-13, issn 0368-2315, 8 p.Article

Aromatase inhibitors for male infertilitySCHLEGEL, Peter N.Fertility and sterility. 2012, Vol 98, Num 6, pp 1359-1362, issn 0015-0282, 4 p.Article

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