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Airborne allergic contact dermatitis caused by methylisothiazolinone in a child sensitized from wet wipesMADSEN, Jakob Torp; ANDERSEN, Klaus Ejner.Contact dermatitis. 2014, Vol 70, Num 3, pp 183-192, issn 0105-1873, 10 p.Article

Allergic contact eczema caused by exotic wood material in sauna interior decorationKUBIN, Minna E; RIEKKI, Riitta.Contact dermatitis. 2014, Vol 70, Num 4, pp 255-256, issn 0105-1873, 2 p.Article

Contact dermatitis caused by ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate in a cream used for the management of atopic dermatitisASSIER, Haudrey; WOLKENSTEIN, Pierre; GRILLE, Catherine et al.Contact dermatitis. 2014, Vol 71, Num 1, pp 60-61, issn 0105-1873, 2 p.Article

Extraordinary response to omalizumab in a child with severe chronic urticariaASERO, R; CASALONE, R; IEMOLI, E et al.European annals of allergy and clinical immunology. 2014, Vol 46, Num 1, pp 41-42, issn 1764-1489, 2 p.Article

Presumed airborne contact allergy to methylisothiazolinone causing acute severe facial dermatitis and respiratory difficultyALWAN, Wisam; WHITE, Ian R; BANERJEE, Piu et al.Contact dermatitis. 2014, Vol 70, Num 5, pp 320-321, issn 0105-1873, 2 p.Article

Protein contact dermatitis caused by worms and insects used to feed exotic birdsBREGNBAK, David; FRIIS, Ulrik F; ZACHARIAE, Claus et al.Contact dermatitis. 2014, Vol 70, Num 1, pp 64-66, issn 0105-1873, 3 p.Article

Advances in the Diagnosis and Therapeutic Management of Atopic DermatitisVESTERGAARD, Christian; DELEURAN, Mette.Drugs (Basel). 2014, Vol 74, Num 7, pp 757-769, issn 0012-6667, 13 p.Article

Desensitization to clopidogrel: a tailor-made protocolBARREIRA, P; CADINHA, S; MALHEIRO, D et al.European annals of allergy and clinical immunology. 2014, Vol 46, Num 1, pp 53-55, issn 1764-1489, 3 p.Article

Helminth therapy or elimination: epidemiological, immunological, and clinical considerationsWAMMES, Linda J; MPAIRWE, Harriet; ELLIOTT, Alison M et al.Lancet. Infectious diseases (print). 2014, Vol 14, Num 11, pp 1150-1162, issn 1473-3099, 13 p.Article

Triethylene glycol bis(2-ethylhexanoate) ― a new contact allergen identified in a spectacle frameANDERSEN, Klaus E; VESTERGAARD, Malene E; CHRISTENSEN, Lars P et al.Contact dermatitis. 2014, Vol 70, Num 2, pp 112-116, issn 0105-1873, 5 p.Article

Use of recombinant C1 inhibitor in patients with resistant or frequent attacks of hereditary or acquired angioedemaMANSON, Ania L; DEMPSTER, John; GRIGORIADOU, Sofia et al.EJD. European journal of dermatology. 2014, Vol 24, Num 1, pp 28-34, issn 1167-1122, 7 p.Article

Anaphylaxie au macrogol. À propos de 5 cas déclarés au Réseau Allergo-Vigilance = Anaphylaxis to macrogol: Five cases reported to the Allergy Vigilance NetworkNGUYEN, V.-M; PETITPAIN, N; LOVATO, B et al.Revue française d'allergologie (Amsterdam. Print). 2014, Vol 54, Num 4, pp 307-310, issn 1877-0312, 4 p.Article

Diagnostic des allergies aux hyménoptères. Pour une mise à jour des recommandations de bonnes pratiques = Diagnosis of hymenoptera venom allergy: Updating guidelines for good clinical practicePATURAL, M; LAMBERT, C; DZVIGA, C et al.Revue française d'allergologie (Amsterdam. Print). 2014, Vol 54, Num 6, pp 469-476, issn 1877-0312, 8 p.Article

Forme sévère d'allergie aux protéines du lait de vache chez le nourrisson et la mère = Severe cow's milk protein allergy in an infant and its motherMOLKHOU, P.Revue française d'allergologie (Amsterdam. Print). 2014, Vol 54, Num 4, pp 322-324, issn 1877-0312, 3 p.Article

Immunothérapie orale à l'arachide et gestion du risque: aspects méthodologiques = Oral immunotherapy with peanut and risk management: Methodological aspectsMONERET-VAUTRIN, D. A; BEAUDOUIN, E; RENAUDIN, J.-M et al.Revue française d'allergologie (Amsterdam. Print). 2014, Vol 54, Num 5, pp 356-363, issn 1877-0312, 8 p.Article

Intérêt d'un traitement par omalizumab dans le cadre d'une immunothérapie spécifique. Recueil d'expérience et analyse de la littérature = The interest of treatment with omalizumab in the framework of specific immunotherapyOSTER, J.-P; LAVAUD, F; BENTALEB, A et al.Revue française d'allergologie (Amsterdam. Print). 2014, Vol 54, Num 5, pp 347-355, issn 1877-0312, 9 p.Article

L'effet inflammatoire de l'extrait brut de Phaenopsectra flavipes (Diptera: Chironomidae) du Nord-Est algérien, chez un modèle murin (Mus musculus) = The inflammatory effect of a crude extract of Phaenopsectra flavipes (Diptera: Chironomidae) from north-eastern Algeria in a murine model (Mus musculus)BENSAKHRI, Z; ZERGUINE, K; BOUGUENOUN, I et al.Revue française d'allergologie (Amsterdam. Print). 2014, Vol 54, Num 7, pp 485-493, issn 1877-0312, 9 p.Article

La place de l'immunothérapie allergénique: de l'immunologie à la cliniqueHOARAU, Cyrille.La Lettre du pneumologue. 2014, Vol 17, Num 3, pp 9-12, issn 1292-5977, 4 p., SUPArticle

Les facteurs de risque d'allergie alimentaire chez l'adulte = Risk factors for food allergy in adultsMORISSET, M; MOREL-CODREANU, F; HILGER, C et al.Revue française d'allergologie (Amsterdam. Print). 2014, Vol 54, Num 7, pp 513-518, issn 1877-0312, 6 p.Article

Méthylisothiazolinone: un allergène émergent = Methylisothiazolinone: An emerging allergenGIORDANO-LABADIE, F.Revue française d'allergologie (Amsterdam. Print). 2014, Vol 54, Num 4, pp 311-314, issn 1877-0312, 4 p.Article

Pollinoses d'arbres: quels traitements ? = Treatment of tree pollen allergyPEROTIN, J.-M; JORGE, D; LAVAUD, F et al.Revue française d'allergologie (Amsterdam. Print). 2014, Vol 54, Num 3, pp 88-91, issn 1877-0312, 4 p.Article

Thermoplastie bronchique = Bronchial thermoplastyTAILLE, C.Revue française d'allergologie (Amsterdam. Print). 2014, Vol 54, Num 3, pp 113-115, issn 1877-0312, 3 p.Article

Particulate matter modifies the association between airborne pollen and daily medical consultations for pollinosis in TokyoKONISHI, Shoko; CHRIS FOOK SHENG NG; STICKLEY, Andrew et al.Science of the total environment. 2014, Vol 499, pp 125-132, issn 0048-9697, 8 p.Article

Airborne exposure to methylchloroisothiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone from a toilet cleanerLUNDOV, Michael D; MENNE, Torkil.Contact dermatitis. 2013, Vol 68, Num 4, pp 252-253, issn 0105-1873, 2 p.Article

Allergic contact dermatitis caused by betulin-containing triterpene extract from the outer bark of birch (Betula alba)MEYER-HOFFERT, Ulf; BRASCH, Jochen.Contact dermatitis. 2013, Vol 68, Num 6, pp 382-383, issn 0105-1873, 2 p.Article

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