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4-Amino Bis-Pyridinium Derivatives as Novel Antileishmanial AgentsGOMEZ-PEREZ, Verónica; MANZANO, José Ignacio; GARCIA-HERNANDEZ, Raquel et al.Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 2014, Vol 58, Num 7, pp 4103-4112, issn 0066-4804, 10 p.Article

N-Cinnamoylated Aminoquinolines as Promising Antileishmanial AgentsVALE-COSTA, S; COSTA-GOUVEIA, J; PEREZ, B et al.Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 2013, Vol 57, Num 10, pp 5112-5115, issn 0066-4804, 4 p.Article

Rilievi sierici in soggetti esposti agli antiparassitariFOSSARI, M. T; BONANNO, R; CARBONE, F et al.Rivista di Parassitologia. 1990, Vol 51, Num 2, pp 189-194, issn 0035-6387Article

Quinuclidine derivatives as potential antiparasiticsCAMMERER, Simon B; JIMENEZ, Carmen; KAISER, Marcel et al.Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 2007, Vol 51, Num 11, pp 4049-4061, issn 0066-4804, 13 p.Article

Cardiotoxicity of antimalarial drugsWHITE, Nicholas J.Lancet. Infectious diseases (print). 2007, Vol 7, Num 8, pp 549-558, issn 1473-3099, 10 p.Article

Les médicaments antiparasitaires. Indications en dehors des parasitoses = Parasiticid agents. Indications beside parasitosisTOUATI, M. A.Médecine d'Afrique Noire. 1986, Vol 33, Num 2, pp 103-117, issn 0465-4668Article

Metabolism in vivo of furazolidone: evidence for formation of an open-chain carboxylic acid and α-ketoglutaric acid from the nitrofuran in ratsTATSUMI, K; NAKABEPPU, H; TAKAHASHI, Y et al.Archives of biochemistry and biophysics (Print). 1984, Vol 234, Num 1, pp 112-116, issn 0003-9861Article

Genomic filtering: an approach to discovering novel antiparasiticsMCCARTER, James P.Trends in parasitology. 2004, Vol 20, Num 10, pp 462-468, issn 1471-4922, 7 p.Article

Pharmacology of compound CDRI 80/53; a potential new anti-relapse antimalarial agentKAR, K; PATNAIK, G. K; PURI, S. K et al.Indian journal of parasitology. 1988, Vol 12, Num 2, pp 259-262, issn 0253-7168Article

Quantitative structure retention relationship studies of some basic antimalarial compoundsTAYLOR, R. B; OCHEKPE, N. A; WANGBOONSKUL, J et al.Journal of liquid chromatography. 1989, Vol 12, Num 9, pp 1645-1668, issn 0148-3919, 24 p.Article

Effet répulsif et paralysant sur les larves de L. pallidum du deet et au mushipale 12KADOSAKA, T; KANEKO, K; MORII, I et al.Yakuri to chiryo. 1987, Vol 15, Num 12, pp 483-488, issn 0386-3603Article

Human ivermectin exposureHALL, A. H; SPOERKE, D. G; BRONSTEIN, A. C et al.The Journal of emergency medicine. 1985, Vol 3, Num 3, pp 217-219, issn 0736-4679Article

Electrochemical behaviour of nitroimidazole derivatives in dimethylsulphoxideBARETY, D; RESIBOIS, B; VERGOTEN, G et al.Journal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry. 1984, Vol 162, Num 1-2, pp 335-341, issn 0022-0728Article

Deworming debunkedHAWKES, Nigel.BMJ (Overseas and retired doctors ed.). 2013, Vol 346, Num 7889, pp 14-16, issn 1759-2151, 3 p.Article

Antiparasitic TherapyKAPPAGODA, Shanthi; SINGH, Upinder; BLACKBURN, Brian G et al.Mayo Clinic proceedings. 2011, Vol 86, Num 6, pp 561-583, issn 0025-6196, 23 p.Article

The role of nitrogen oxides as effector molecules of parasite killingJAMES, S. L; HIBBS, J. B.Parasitology today (Regular ed.). 1990, Vol 6, Num 9, pp 303-305, issn 0169-4758, 3 p.Article

Side-effects of ivermectin in treatment of onchocerciasisROTHOVA, A; VAN DER LELIL, A; STILMA, J. S et al.Lancet (British edition). 1989, Vol 1, Num 8652, pp 1439-1441, issn 0140-6736Article

Synthèse, étude biochimique et parasitologique de nouveaux analogues du lévamisole et du pyrantel = Synthesis, biochemical and antiparasitic studies of new analogues of levamisole and pyrantelAmarouch, Hamid; Loiseau, Philippe; Payard, Marc et al.1989, 180 p.Thesis

Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina, and E. maxima: anticoccidial activity of 1,6-dihydro-6-oxo-2-pyrazinecarboxylic acid 4-oxideMATSUNO, T; KOBAYASHI, N; HARIGUCHI, F et al.Experimental parasitology. 1984, Vol 57, Num 1, pp 55-61, issn 0014-4894Article

Quel avenir pour les antipaludiques ? : Paludisme = Which future for the antimalarial drugs?MILLET, Pascal.La Revue du praticien (Paris). 2005, Vol 55, Num 8, pp 875-879, issn 0035-2640, 5 p.Article

Progress in the development o peroxide-based anti-parasitic agentsMURALEEDHARAN, K. M; AVERY, Mitchell A.Drug discovery today. 2009, Vol 14, Num 15-16, pp 793-803, issn 1359-6446, 11 p.Article

Utility of alkylaminoquinolinyl methanols as new antimalarial drugsDOW, G. S; HEADY, T. N; SMITH, P. L et al.Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 2006, Vol 50, Num 12, pp 4132-4143, issn 0066-4804, 12 p.Article

Antileishmanial effect of 3 -aminooxy -1 -aminopropane is due to polyamine depletionSINGH, Sushma; MUKHERJEE, Angana; KHOMUTOV, Alex R et al.Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. 2007, Vol 51, Num 2, pp 528-534, issn 0066-4804, 7 p.Article

Target assessment for antiparasitic drug discoveryFREARSON, Julie A; WYATT, Paul G; GILBERT, Ian H et al.Trends in parasitology. 2007, Vol 23, Num 12, pp 589-595, issn 1471-4922, 7 p.Article

Quinolines and artemisinin : Chemistry, biology and historyBRAY, P. G; WARD, S. A; O'NEILL, P. M et al.Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology. 2005, Vol 295, pp 3-38, issn 0070-217X, 36 p.Article

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