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Thermoanalytische Möglichkeiten zur Charakterisierung von Cellulose und Cellulose-derivaten = Possibilités thermoanalytiques sur la caractérisation de la cellulose et de dérivés cellulosiques = Thermoanalytic possibilities on characterization of cellulose and cellulose derivatesHORBACH, A.Das Papier (Darmstadt). 1987, Vol 41, Num 12, pp 652-657, issn 0031-1340Article

Emission thermophotometry. IV: Cellulose and some cellulose derivativesWENDLANDT, W. W.Thermochimica acta. 1986, Vol 101, pp 95-99, issn 0040-6031Article

13C-NMR study of cellulose derivatives in the solid stateHOSHINO, M; TAKAI, M; FUKUDA, K et al.Journal of polymer science. Part A. Polymer chemistry. 1989, Vol 27, Num 6, pp 2083-2092, issn 0887-624XArticle

Thermoanalytische Möglichkeiten zur Charakterisierung von Cellulose und Cellulosederivaten = Possibilités thermoanalytiques sur la caractérisation de la cellulose et de dérivés cellulosiques = Thermoanalytical possibilities on characterization of cellulose and cellulose derivativesHORBACH, A.Cellulose chemistry and technology. 1988, Vol 22, Num 6, pp 561-586, issn 0576-9787Article

Cellulose and related polysaccharidesKLEMM, Dieter O.Progress in polymer science. 2001, Vol 26, Num 9, issn 0079-6700, 635 p.Serial Issue

Regioselektive Veresterung und Veretherung von Cellulose und Cellulosederivaten. II: Synthese regioselektiv substituierter Celluloseester = Regioselective esterification and etherification of cellulose and cellulose derivatives. II: Synthesis of cellulose esters with a regioselective distribution of substituentsPHILIPP, B; KLEMM, D; WAGENKNECHT, W et al.Das Papier (Darmstadt). 1995, Vol 49, Num 2, pp 58-64, issn 0031-1340Article

Sorption de l'eau par des mélanges de polyacrylamide avec des éthers de celluloseOSTROVSKAYA, L. D; KALYUZHNAYA, L. M; MATVEEVA, N. A et al.Kompozicionnye polimernye materialy. 1987, Num 35, pp 54-59Article

A novel, efficient procedure for acylation of cellulose under homogeneous solution conditionsMARSON, G. A; EL SEOUD, O. A.Journal of applied polymer science. 1999, Vol 74, Num 6, pp 1355-1360, issn 0021-8995Article

Lösungsstruktur verschiedener Cellulose-Derivate = The structure of various cellulose derivatives in solutionSCHULZ, L; BURCHARD, W.Das Papier (Darmstadt). 1993, Vol 47, Num 1, pp 1-10, issn 0031-1340Article

Analyse thermique de la cellulose et de quelques dérivés éthérifiés et estérifiés = Thermal analysis of cellulose and its derivativesKALOUSTIAN, J; PAULI, A. M; PASTOR, J et al.Journal of thermal analysis. 1997, Vol 48, Num 4, pp 791-804, issn 0368-4466Article

Mixtures of two mesomorphic cellulosic polymersAMBROSINO, S; KHALLALA, T; SEURIN, M. J et al.Journal of polymer science. Polymer letters edition. 1987, Vol 25, Num 8, pp 351-357, issn 0360-6384Article

Mobilité intramoléculaire des macromolécules de cellulose et de ses dérivés dans différents solvantsANUFRIEVA, E. V; KRAKOVYAK, M. G; PUSHCHIK, V. B et al.Vysokomolekulârnye soedineniâ. Seriâ B. 1987, Vol 29, Num 7, pp 516-519, issn 0507-5483Article

Particularités cristallochimiques et stœchiométrie des xanthogénates de cellulose hydratésIRKLEJ, V. M; GOJKHMAN, A. SH.Vysokomolekulârnye soedineniâ. Seriâ A. 1987, Vol 29, Num 12, pp 2467-2472, issn 0507-5475Article

Plastic materialsCAROLLO, Paolo; GROSPIETRO, Barbara.Die Makromolekulare Chemie. Macromolecular symposia. 2004, pp 335-351, issn 0258-0322, isbn 3-527-31041-X, 17 p.Conference Paper

Optical activity and conformation of pyranose rings in macromolecules of cellulose and its estersFEDYAKOVA, N. A; RAKHMANBERDIEV, G. R.Polymer science. 1993, Vol 35, Num 12, pp 1740-1741, issn 0965-545XArticle

Anatomy of paintHARE, C. H.Paintindia. 1994, Vol 44, Num 9, pp 27-32, issn 0556-4409Article

Local conformation of polysaccharides in solution investigated by small-angle X-ray scatteringMUROGA, Y; YAMADA, Y; NODA, I et al.Macromolecules. 1987, Vol 20, Num 12, pp 3003-3006, issn 0024-9297Article

Cellulose and cellulose derivativese (Wiesbaden, 28 June - 1 July 2004)Heinze, T; Fischer, K.Die Makromolekulare Chemie. Macromolecular symposia. 2005, issn 0258-0322, isbn 3-527-31326-5, 266 p., isbn 3-527-31326-5Conference Proceedings

Cellulose and cellulose derivativesMacromolecular chemistry and physics (Print). 2000, Vol 201, Num 15, issn 1022-1352, 199 p.Serial Issue

Priprava sferičnih celuloznih zrna iz viskoze = Préparation de lits de cellulose à partir de viscose = Preparation of cellulose beads from viscoseKAJMAKOVIC, M; HACE, D; MORACA, S et al.Polimeri (Zagreb). 1987, Vol 8, Num 7-8, pp 213-217, issn 0351-1871Article

Some aspects of acylation of cellulose under homogeneous solution conditionsREGIANI, A. M; FROLLINI, E; MARSON, G. A et al.Journal of polymer science. Part A. Polymer chemistry. 1999, Vol 37, Num 9, pp 1357-1363, issn 0887-624XArticle

Synthesechemische Modifizierung von Cellulose zur Einführung aktiver funktioneller Gruppen unter heterogenen Reaktionsbedingungen : Fortschrittsbericht = Introduction de groupes fonctionnels réactifs dans la cellulose par modification chimique en conditions hétérogènes. Article synthèse = Introduction of reactive functional groups into cellulose by chemical modification under heterogeneous conditions. ReviewSCHNABELRAUCH, M; HEINZE, T; KLEMM, D et al.Acta polymerica. 1990, Vol 41, Num 2, pp 112-120, issn 0323-7648Article

Conversion of cotton byproducts to mixed cellulose estersCHENG, H. N; DOWD, Michael K; SHOGREN, R. L et al.Carbohydrate polymers. 2011, Vol 86, Num 3, pp 1130-1136, issn 0144-8617, 7 p.Article

Structures of cellulose in solutionSCHULZ, Liane; SEGER, Bernd; BURCHARD, Walther et al.Macromolecular chemistry and physics (Print). 2000, Vol 201, Num 15, pp 2008-2022, issn 1022-1352Article

Regioselective Veresterung und Veretherung von Cellulose und Cellulosederivaten. I: Problemstellung und Beschreibung der Reaktionssysteme = Regioselective esterification and etherification of cellulose and cellulose derivatives. I : Problems and description of the reaction systemsPHILIPP, B; KLEMM, WAGENKNECHTD. W; WAGENKNECHT, M et al.Das Papier (Darmstadt). 1995, Vol 49, Num 1, pp 3-7, issn 0031-1340Article

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