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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 8916

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Sounds associated with the reproductive behavior of the black grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci)SCHÄRER, Michelle T; NEMETH, Michael I; ROWELL, Timothy J et al.Marine biology (Berlin). 2014, Vol 161, Num 1, pp 141-147, issn 0025-3162, 7 p.Article

Notes on the breeding behavior of a Philippine Eagle Pair at Mount Sinaka, Central MindanaoIBANEZ, Jayson C; MIRANDA, Hector C; BALAQUIT-IBANEZ, Gliceria et al.The Wilson bulletin (Wilson Ornithological Society). 2003, Vol 115, Num 3, pp 333-336, issn 0043-5643, 4 p.Article

Introduction-reproductive behavior : a symposium in honor fo Frank A. Beach, 1911-1988SACHS, B. D.Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews. 1990, Vol 14, Num 2, pp 179-181, issn 0149-7634, 3 p.Article

Diurnal and nocturnal behavior of breeding American AvocetsJOHNSON, Matthew; BECKMANN, Jon P; ORING, Lewis W et al.The Wilson bulletin (Wilson Ornithological Society). 2003, Vol 115, Num 2, pp 176-185, issn 0043-5643, 10 p.Article

Differential effects of yolk hormones on maternal and paternal contribution to parental careTSCHIRREN, Barbara; RICHNER, Heinz.Animal behaviour. 2008, Vol 75, pp 1989-1994, issn 0003-3472, 6 p., 6Article

Baboons eavesdrop to deduce mating opportunitiesCROCKFORD, Catherine; WITTIGT, Roman M; SEYFARTH, Robert M et al.Animal behaviour. 2007, Vol 73, pp 885-890, issn 0003-3472, 6 p., 5Article

Observation of the mating behavior of the Yellow Stingray, Urolophus jamaicensisYOUNG, R. F.Copeia. 1993, Num 3, pp 879-880, issn 0045-8511Article

Parent Blue-footed Boobies are not infanticidalANDERSON, D. J.Ornis Scandinavica. 1991, Vol 22, Num 2, pp 169-170, issn 0030-5693Article

Minireview: Estrogen Receptor-Initiated Mechanisms Causal to Mammalian Reproductive BehaviorsPFAFF, Donald; WATERS, Elizabeth; KHAN, Quaiser et al.Endocrinology (Philadelphia). 2011, Vol 152, Num 4, pp 1209-1217, issn 0013-7227, 9 p.Article

Haltung und Nachzucht von Rhampholeon kerstenii kerstenii (Peters, 1868)LEPTIEN, R.Salamandra (Frankfurt am Main). 1991, Vol 27, Num 1-2, pp 70-75, issn 0036-3375Article

The advantages of, and constraints forcing, mate fidelity in pinyon jaysMARZLUFF, J. M; BALDA, R. P.The Auk. 1988, Vol 105, Num 2, pp 286-295, issn 0004-8038Article

Helping has signalling characteristics in a cooperatively breeding birdDOUTRELANT, Claire; COVAS, Rita.Animal behaviour. 2007, Vol 74, pp 739-747, issn 0003-3472, 9 p., 4Article

The breeding behavior of Opsopoeodus emilae (Cyprinidae) and its phylogenetic implicationsPAGE, L. M; JOHNSTON, C. E.Copeia. 1990, Num 4, pp 1176-1180, issn 0045-8511Article

La représentation des diagrammes de flux sur plans factoriels. Application à l'étude de la parade sexuelle du mâle de la courtilière (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa L.)PIERRE, J.-S; KASPER, C.Biology of behaviour (Paris). 1990, Vol 15, Num 3-4, pp 125-151, issn 0397-7153Article

Polygyny in a wild wolf packMECH, L. D; NELSON, M. E.Journal of mammalogy. 1989, Vol 70, Num 3, pp 675-676, issn 0022-2372Article

Evaluation des effets du baguage sur une population nicheuse de martinet noir (Apus apus L.) = Evaluation of the consequences of ringing on a breeding population of swift (Apus apus)GORY, G.Oiseau et la Revue Francaise d'Ornithologie. 1991, Vol 61, Num 2, pp 91-100, issn 0030-1531, 10 p.Article

Multiple functions of courtship displays in dabbling ducks (Anatini)MCKINNEY, F; GUMINSKI SORENSON, L; HART, M et al.The Auk. 1990, Vol 107, Num 1, pp 188-191, issn 0004-8038Article

On the cost of searching for a mate in female pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleucaSLAGSVOLD, T; LIFJELD, J. T; STENMARK, G et al.Animal behaviour. 1988, Vol 36, Num 2, pp 433-442, issn 0003-3472Article

Parental care trade-offs in the inter-brood phase in Barn Swallows Hirundo rusticaNAEF-DAENZER, Luzia; GRÜEBLER, Martin U; NAEF-DAENZER, Beat et al.Ibis (London. 1859). 2011, Vol 153, Num 1, pp 27-36, issn 0019-1019, 10 p.Article

Breeding behaviour and hybridization : variation in male chorusing behaviour promotes mating among taxa in waterfrogsLENGAGNE, T; PLENET, S; JOLY, P et al.Animal behaviour. 2008, Vol 75, pp 443-450, issn 0003-3472, 8 p., 2Article

Head over heels : an examination of a possible mating signal in female swordtails, Xiphophorus corteziFERNANDEZ, André A; FERNANDEZ, Loraine R; TOTH, Lauren et al.Animal behaviour. 2008, Vol 76, pp 1073-1081, issn 0003-3472, 9 p., 3Article

Reproductive behaviour of the Annona fruit borer, Cerconota anonellaDA SILVA, Edleide L; DE CARVALHO, Cenira M; DO NASCIMENTO, Ruth R et al.Ethology. 2006, Vol 112, Num 10, pp 971-976, issn 0179-1613, 6 p.Article

The Conference on reproductive behavior: a historyDEWSBURY, Donald A.Hormones and behavior (Print). 2003, Vol 43, Num 4, pp 465-473, issn 0018-506X, 9 p.Article

Sexual selection and speciationPANHUIS, Tami M; BUTLIN, Roger; ZUK, Marlene et al.Trends in ecology & evolution (Amsterdam). 2001, Vol 16, Num 7, pp 364-371, issn 0169-5347Article

Etude du comportement précopulateur d'Arion distinctus Manille, 1868SHERIDAN, R; ROLAND, E.Belgian journal of zoology. 1990, Vol 120, Num 2, pp 127-141Article

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