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A note on the Edgeworth approximation to the distribution of Spearman's RHO with a correction to Pearson's approximationFRANKLIN, L. A.Communications in statistics. Simulation and computation. 1989, Vol 18, Num 1, pp 245-252, issn 0361-0918, 8 p.Article

Dehydration and phase transformation in sepiolite. A radial distribution analysis study = Déshydratation et transformation de phase de la sépiolite. Une analyse de distribution radialeLOKANATHA, S; MATHUR, B. K; SAMANTARAY, B. K et al.Zeitschrift für Kristallographie. 1985, Vol 171, Num 1-2, pp 69-79, issn 0044-2968Article

Atomic pair distribution functions analysis of disordered low-Z materialsPETKOV, V; REN, Y; KABEKKODU, S et al.PCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics (Print). 2013, Vol 15, Num 22, pp 8544-8554, issn 1463-9076, 11 p.Article

The exact-order estimates of decompositional stability of Linnik's L class distributionsCHISTYAKOV, G. P.Theory of probability and its applications. 1995, Vol 39, Num 2, pp 315-322, issn 0040-585XArticle

Thermodynamic derivatives of classical dstribution functionsHERNANDO, J. A.The Journal of chemical physics. 1985, Vol 82, Num 9, pp 4385-4386, issn 0021-9606Article

Plant specification of generic human-error data through a two-stage Bayesian approachHEISING, C. D; PATTERSON, E. I.Reliability engineering. 1984, Vol 7, Num 1, pp 21-52, issn 0143-8174Article

Estimation of inverse temperature and other Lagrange multipliers: the dual distributionTIKOCHINSKY, Y; LEVINE, R. D.Journal of mathematical physics. 1984, Vol 25, Num 7, pp 2160-2168, issn 0022-2488Article

Kirkwood coupling-parameter expansion method for the distribution function in a fluidWATANABE, M.Physical review. A, General physics. 1984, Vol 29, Num 5, pp 2779-2786, issn 0556-2791Article

Luminosity distribution function for visual binary starsRAKOS, K. D.Astrophysics and space science. 1985, Vol 110, Num 1, pp 143-148, issn 0004-640XConference Paper

Distribution functions for spherical galaxiesMERRITT, D.Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 1985, Vol 214, Num 3, pp 25p-28p, issn 0035-8711Article

Lower bounds for the distribution function of a k-dimensional n-extendible exchangeable processSCARSINI, M.Statistics & probability letters. 1985, Vol 3, Num 2, pp 57-62, issn 0167-7152Article

Propriétés de quasi-concavité des fonctions de répartition unimodales = Quasi concavity properties of unimodal distribution functionsBERTIN, E. M. J; THEODORESCU, R.Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des sciences. Série 1, Mathématique. 1984, Vol 299, Num 5, pp 149-151, issn 0249-6291Article

Nouvelle fonction de distribution dans la mécanique des milieux compositesVANIN, G. A.Prikladnaâ mehanika (Kiev). 1984, Vol 20, Num 5, pp 25-31, issn 0032-8243Article

Positivity properties of phase-plane distribution functionsJANSSEN, A. J. E. M.Journal of mathematical physics. 1984, Vol 25, Num 7, pp 2240-2252, issn 0022-2488Article

Probablity distributions with given multivariate marginalsCOHEN, L.Journal of mathematical physics. 1984, Vol 25, Num 8, pp 2402-2403, issn 0022-2488Article

The freely jointed chain in expanded formGALLI, A. J; BRUMAGE, W. H.The Journal of chemical physics. 1983, Vol 79, Num 5, pp 2411-2418, issn 0021-9606Article

On weak type inequalities for dyadic maximal functionsMELAS, Antonios D; NIKOLIDAKIS, Eleftherios.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 2008, Vol 348, Num 1, pp 404-410, issn 0022-247X, 7 p.Article

Optimum calibration points estimating distribution functionsMARTINEZ, S; RUEDA, M; ARCOS, A et al.Journal of computational and applied mathematics. 2010, Vol 233, Num 9, pp 2265-2277, issn 0377-0427, 13 p.Article

A modified Nukiyama-Tanasawa distribution function and a Rosin-Rammler model for the particle-size-distribution analysisGONZALEZ-TELLO, P; CAMACHO, F; VICARIA, J. M et al.Powder technology. 2008, Vol 186, Num 3, pp 278-281, issn 0032-5910, 4 p.Article

Truncation functions and Laplace transformYEN, Ju-Yi; YOR, Marc.Statistics & probability letters. 2011, Vol 81, Num 3, pp 417-419, issn 0167-7152, 3 p.Article

Short-term variability of solar radiationTOMSON, Teolan; TAMM, Gunnar.Solar energy. 2006, Vol 80, Num 5, pp 600-606, issn 0038-092X, 7 p.Article

Recurrence relations between kernels of the nonlinear Boltzmann collision integralENDER, A. Ya; ENDER, I. A; BAKALEINIKOV, L. A et al.European journal of mechanics. B, Fluids. 2012, Vol 36, pp 17-24, issn 0997-7546, 8 p.Article

Variations on a theme of Boole and Stein―WeissCOLZANI, L; LAENG, E; MONZON, L et al.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 2010, Vol 363, Num 1, pp 225-229, issn 0022-247X, 5 p.Article

A probabilistic version of Ostrowski inequalityMINGJIN WANG.Applied mathematics letters. 2011, Vol 24, Num 3, pp 270-274, issn 0893-9659, 5 p.Article

Algorithm As 248: empirical distribution function goodness-of-fit testsDAVIS, C. S; STEPHENS, M. A.Applied statistics. 1989, Vol 38, Num 3, pp 535-543, issn 0035-9254, 9 p.Article

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