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Association of the prolipoprotein accumulated in the presence of globomycin with the outer membrane of EscherichiaINUKAI, M; INOUYE, M.European journal of biochemistry (Print). 1983, Vol 130, Num 1, pp 27-32, issn 0014-2956Article

Small RNAs controlling outer membrane porinsVALENTIN-HANSEN, Poul; JOHANSEN, Jesper; RASMUSSEN, Anders A et al.Current opinion in microbiology. 2007, Vol 10, Num 2, pp 152-155, issn 1369-5274, 4 p.Article

The Fimbrial Usher FimD Follows the SurA-BamB Pathway for Its Assembly in the Outer Membrane of Escherzchia coilPALOMINO, Carmen; MARIN, Elvira; ANGEL FERNANDEZ, Luis et al.Journal of bacteriology. 2011, Vol 193, Num 19, pp 5222-5230, issn 0021-9193, 9 p.Article

The evolution of new lipoprotein subunits of the bacterial outer membrane BAM complexANWARI, Khatira; WEBB, Chaille T; JACOBS-WAGNER, Christine et al.Molecular microbiology (Print). 2012, Vol 84, Num 5, pp 832-844, issn 0950-382X, 13 p.Article

Sorting of an integral outer membrane protein via the lipoprotein-specific Lol pathway and a dedicated lipoprotein pilotinCOLLIN, Severine; GUILVOUT, Ingrid; NICKERSON, Nicholas N et al.Molecular microbiology (Print). 2011, Vol 80, Num 3, pp 655-665, issn 0950-382X, 11 p.Article

F Plasmid TraF and TraH Are Components of an Outer Membrane Complex Involved in ConjugationARUTYUNOV, Denis; ARENSON, Barbara; MANCHAK, Jan et al.Journal of bacteriology. 2010, Vol 192, Num 6, pp 1730-1734, issn 0021-9193, 5 p.Article

The trans-envelope Tol-Pal complex is part of the cell division machinery and required for proper outer-membrane invagination during cell constriction in E. coliGERDING, Matthew A; OGATA, Yasuyuki; PECORA, Nicole D et al.Molecular microbiology (Print). 2007, Vol 63, Num 4, pp 1008-1025, issn 0950-382X, 18 p.Article

Identification and characterization of Campylobacter jejuni outer membrane proteinsBLASER, M. J; HOPKINS, J. A; BERKA, R. M et al.Infection and immunity. 1983, Vol 42, Num 1, pp 276-284, issn 0019-9567Article

OpnS, an Outer Membrane Porin of Xenorhabdus nematophila, Confers a Competitive Advantage for Growth in the Insect HostVAN DER HOEVEN, Ransome; FORST, Steven.Journal of bacteriology. 2009, Vol 191, Num 17, pp 5471-5479, issn 0021-9193, 9 p.Article

Interaction of quorum signals with outer membrane lipids : insights into prokaryotic membrane vesicle formationMASHBURN-WARREN, Lauren; HOWE, Jörg; ROESSLE, Mantred et al.Molecular microbiology (Print). 2008, Vol 69, Num 2, pp 491-502, issn 0950-382X, 12 p.Article

Loss of Elongation Factor P Disrupts Bacterial Outer Membrane IntegrityBETTY ZOU, S; HERSCH, Steven J; ROY, Herve et al.Journal of bacteriology. 2012, Vol 194, Num 2, pp 413-425, issn 0021-9193, 13 p.Article

Outer Membrane Proteins A (OmpA) and X (OmpX) Are Essential for Basolateral Invasion of Cronobacter sakazakiiKIM, Kyumson; KIM, Kwang-Pyo; CHOI, Jeongjoon et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2010, Vol 76, Num 15, pp 5188-5198, issn 0099-2240, 11 p.Article

Porins of Brucella speciesDOUGLAS, J. T; ROSENBERG, E. Y; NIKAIDO, H et al.Infection and immunity. 1984, Vol 44, Num 1, pp 16-21, issn 0019-9567Article

SurA Is Involved in the Targeting to the Outer Membrane of a Tat Signal Sequence-Anchored ProteinRONDELET, Arnaud; CONDEMINE, Guy.Journal of bacteriology. 2012, Vol 194, Num 22, pp 6131-6142, issn 0021-9193, 12 p.Article

Sequential translocation of an Escherchia coli two-partner secretion pathway exoprotein across the inner and outer membranesCHOI, Peter S; BERNSTEIN, Harris D.Molecular microbiology (Print). 2010, Vol 75, Num 2, pp 440-451, issn 0950-382X, 12 p.Article

Small non-coding RNAs and the bacterial outer membraneVOGEL, Jörg; PAPENFORT, Kai.Current opinion in microbiology. 2006, Vol 9, Num 6, pp 605-611, issn 1369-5274, 7 p.Article

Escherichia coli outer membrane protrein K is a porinSUTCLIFFE, J; BLUMENTHAL, R; WALTER, A et al.Journal of bacteriology. 1983, Vol 156, Num 2, pp 867-872, issn 0021-9193Article

Outer membrane porins are important in maintenance of the surface structure of Escherichia coli cellsNOGAMI, T; MIZUSHIMA, S.Journal of bacteriology. 1983, Vol 156, Num 1, pp 402-408, issn 0021-9193Article

A conserved small RNA promotes silencing of the outer membrane protein YbfMRASMUSSEN, Anders Aamann; JOHANSEN, Jesper; NIELSEN, Jesper S et al.Molecular microbiology (Print). 2009, Vol 72, Num 3, pp 566-577, issn 0950-382X, 12 p.Article

Transfer of fatty acids from the 1-position of phosphatidylethanolamine to the major outer membrane lipoprotein of Escherichia coliJACKOWSKI, S; ROCK, C. O.The Journal of biological chemistry (Print). 1986, Vol 261, Num 24, pp 11328-11333, issn 0021-9258Article

Outer membrane protein K of Escherichia coli: purification and pore-forming properties in lipid bilayer membranesWHITFIELD, C; HANCOCK, R. E. W; COSTERTON, J. W et al.Journal of bacteriology. 1983, Vol 156, Num 2, pp 873-879, issn 0021-9193Article

The outer membrane of a heterocyst-forming cyanobacterium is a permeability barrier for uptake of metabolites that are exchanged between cellsNICOLAISEN, Kerstin; MARISCAL, Vicente; BREDEMELER, Rolf et al.Molecular microbiology (Print). 2009, Vol 74, Num 1, pp 58-70, issn 0950-382X, 13 p.Article

The Metal Dependence of Pyoverdine Interactions with Its Outer Membrane Receptor FpvA. CommentaryCORNELIS, Pierre; GREENWALD, Jason; ZEDER-LUTZ, Gabrielle et al.Journal of bacteriology. 2008, Vol 190, Num 20, issn 0021-9193, 6541-6543, 6548-6558 [14 p.]Article

Analysis of the requirements for pilus biogenesis at the outer membrane usher and the function of the usher C-terminusSHU KIN SO, Stephane; THANASSI, David G.Molecular microbiology (Print). 2006, Vol 60, Num 2, pp 364-375, issn 0950-382X, 12 p.Article

Kinetics of voltage-induced conductance increases in the outer mitochondrial membraneKINNALLY, K. W; TEDESCHI, H; MANNELLA, C. A et al.Biophysical journal. 1989, Vol 55, Num 6, pp 1205-1213, issn 0006-3495, 9 p.Article

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