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Visualization during stick-release and plateau responses of collapsed DNAISHIDA, Ryo; MURAYAMA, Yoshihiro; SANO, Masaki et al.Progress of theoretical physics. Supplement. 2006, Num 161, pp 282-285, issn 0375-9687, 4 p.Conference Paper

Color intensity projections: A simple way to display changes in astronomical imagesCOVER, Keith S; LAGERWAARD, Frank J; SENAN, Suresh et al.Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 2007, Vol 119, Num 855, pp 523-526, issn 0004-6280, 4 p.Article

Accurate vocal compensation for sound intensity loss with increasing distance in natural environmentsZAHORIK, Pavel; KELLY, Jonathan W.The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2007, Vol 122, Num 5, issn 0001-4966, EL143-EL150, 1Article

Intensity Oscillations at the Feet of Coronal HolesTEPLITSKAYA, R. B; TUROVA, I. P; OZHOGINA, O. A et al.Astronomy letters (Print). 2009, Vol 35, Num 10, pp 712-722, issn 1063-7737, 11 p.Article

Unruh gamma radiation at RHIC?BIRO, Tamás S; GYULASSY, Miklós; SCHRAM, Zsolt et al.Physics letters. Section B. 2012, Vol 708, Num 3-5, pp 276-279, issn 0370-2693, 4 p.Article

Shembuj të llogaritjes së përbërësve të intensitetit të fushës gjeomagnetike = Exemples de calcul de l'intensité des composantes du champ géomagnétiqueKOSPIRI, A.Buletini i shkencave gjeologjike. 1989, Num 1, pp 127-135, issn 0254-5276Article

Photostimulation of japanese quail by dim light depends upon photophase contrast, not light intensityMEYER, W. E; MILLAM, J. R; BRADLEY, F. A et al.Biology of reproduction. 1988, Vol 38, Num 3, pp 536-543, issn 0006-3363Article

Radioactive ion beam experiments with active targetsROUSSEL-CHOMAZ, P.European physical journal. A, Hadrons and nuclei (Print). 2009, Vol 42, Num 3, pp 447-451, issn 1434-6001, 5 p.Conference Paper

Sound intensity measurementWATKINSON, P. S.The Shock and vibration digest. 1989, Vol 21, Num 5, pp 9-16, issn 0583-1024, 8 p.Article

The measurement of clinical pain intensity: a comparison of six methodsJENSEN, M. P; KAROLY, P; BRAVER, S et al.Pain (Amsterdam). 1986, Vol 27, Num 1, pp 117-126, issn 0304-3959Article

Cosmic-ray intensity oscillations immediately before and after the GLE on February 16, 1984VAINIKKA, E; LUMME, M; NIEMINEN, M et al.Europhysics letters (Print). 1987, Vol 3, Num 10, pp 1151-1153, issn 0295-5075Article

Formules asymptotiques des champs radiatifs internes dans un milieu plan parallèle et application au calcul de durée moyenne de la luminosité d'enveloppes sphériques et en couchesROGOVTSOV, N. N; SAMSON, A. M.Astrofizika. 1985, Vol 23, Num 1, pp 163-176, issn 0571-7132Article

Payer type has little effect on operative rate and surgeons' work intensityBRINKER, Mark R; O'CONNOR, Daniel P; PIERCE, Peggy et al.Clinical orthopaedics and related research. 2006, Num 451, pp 257-262, issn 0009-921X, 6 p.Article

The relation between X-ray intensity and ion energy of laser triggered ion accelerationTAKANO, K; NAYUKI, T; HOTTA, E et al.Journal de physique. IV. 2006, Vol 133, pp 1135-1138, issn 1155-4339, 4 p.Conference Paper

Stimmveranderungen bei wachstumsstorungen der hypophysaren atiologie = Modification de la voix lors de troubles de croissance hypophysaireRAISOVA, V; MAREK, J.Folia Phoniatr. 1988, Vol 40, Num 0003, pp 00128-00130Article

The searchlight problem in radiative transfer with internal reflectionWILLIAMS, M. M. R.Journal of physics. A, Mathematical and theoretical (Print). 2007, Vol 40, Num 24, pp 6407-6425, issn 1751-8113, 19 p.Article

Band structures of the 123Cs nucleusSINGH, Kuljeet; GOSWAMY, J; NATH, S et al.The European physical journal. A, Hadrons and nuclei. 2004, Vol 21, Num 3, pp 359-363, 5 p.Article

L'influence des paramètres sur la reproduclibilité des essais environnementaux associés à la lumière : Validation de la durée de vie et modélisation thermiqueLUDWIG, Christian.Essais industriels. 2007, Num 43, pp 7-12, issn 1290-0206, 6 p.Article

Decibels and octaves, who needs them?HICKLING, Robert.Journal of sound and vibration. 2006, Vol 291, Num 3-5, pp 1202-1207, issn 0022-460X, 6 p.Article

Formation d'un plasma d'électrons-trous dans le champ électrique dans le sulfure de cadmiumBOGDANOV, S. V; LYSENKO, V. G.Fizika tverdogo tela. 1988, Vol 30, Num 11, pp 3236-3242, issn 0367-3294Article

The additivity of loudness across critical bands: a conjoint measurement approachSCHNEIDER, B.Perception & psychophysics. 1988, Vol 43, Num 3, pp 211-222, issn 0031-5117Article

Starch and lipid accumulation in eight strains of six Chlorella species under comparatively high light intensity and aeration culture conditionsTAKESHITA, Tsuyoshi; OTA, Shuhei; YAMAZAKI, Tomokazu et al.Bioresource technology. 2014, Vol 158, pp 127-134, issn 0960-8524, 8 p.Article

Lipid analysis in Haematococcus pluvialis to assess its potential use as a biodiesel feedstockCECILIA DAMIANI, M; POPOVICH, Cecilia A; CONSTENLA, Diana et al.Bioresource technology. 2010, Vol 101, Num 11, pp 3801-3807, issn 0960-8524, 7 p.Article

The measurement of loudness in individual children and adults by absolute magnitude estimation and cross-modality matchingCOLLINS, A. A; GESCHEIDER, G. A.The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 1989, Vol 85, Num 5, pp 2012-2021, issn 0001-4966Article

Magnitude estimation and sensory matchingMARKS, L. E.Perception & psychophysics. 1988, Vol 43, Num 6, pp 511-525, issn 0031-5117Article

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