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An evaluation of laboratory testing techniques in soil mechanics. Closure of the discussion = Evaluation des techniques d'essais de laboratoire en mécanique des sols. Clôture de la discussionSAADA, A. S.Soils and foundations. 1984, Vol 24, Num 4, pp 151-154, issn 0038-0806Article

Prevalence and diagnosis of laboratory animal allergyBEESON, M. F; DEWDNEY, J. M; EDWARDS, R. G et al.Clinical allergy. 1983, Vol 13, Num 5, pp 433-442, issn 0009-9090Article

An evaluation of laboratory testing techniques in soil mechanics. Discussion = Evaluation des techniques d'essais de laboratoire en mécanique des sols. DiscussionVUCETIC, M.Soils and foundations. 1984, Vol 24, Num 2, pp 112-116, issn 0038-0806Article

Laboruntersuchung der Induzierten Polarisation an Lockergesteinen = Laboratory tests of the induced polarization at loose rocksSAID, M.Zeitschrift für angewandte Geologie. 1990, Vol 36, Num 7, pp 271-273, issn 0044-2259, 3 p.Article

Rationelle und rationale Laboratoriumsdiagnostik in der Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde : Labordiagnostik und tumormarker = Efficient and rational laboratory diagnostics in otolaryngologyCUENCA, S; SCHULZ, C; MÖSSMER, G et al.HNO. Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenärzte. 2008, Vol 56, Num 9, pp 855-873, issn 0017-6192, 19 p.Article

Dynamic lab vs. Static lab promises profitability for papermakersCROCKER-MCALISTER, L; KOPKIN, B.Tappi journal. 1997, Vol 80, Num 8, pp 65-70, issn 0734-1415Article

Achieving perfect symmetry: Balancing flexibility with cost in the design of a bio-MEMS laboratoryWATTS, Dana.American laboratory (Fairfield). 2003, Vol 35, Num 9, issn 0044-7749, p. 10Article

Managing demand for laboratory tests: a laboratory toolkitFRYER, Anthony A; SMELLIE, W. Stuart A.Journal of clinical pathology. 2013, Vol 66, Num 1, pp 62-72, issn 0021-9746, 11 p.Article

The Nutrient Data Laboratory Web site gets a new lookLEMAR, Linda; HAYTOWITZ, David; BINGHAM, Marybeth et al.Journal of food composition and analysis (Print). 2006, Vol 19, Num aou, issn 0889-1575, S96-S99Conference Paper

Laboratory services in developing countriesEBRAHIM, G. J.Journal of tropical pediatrics (1980). 1992, Vol 38, Num 2, pp 50-51, issn 0142-6338Article

What should you do when you misinform the laboratory results?WIWANITKIT, Viroj.Chot Mai Het Thang Phaet. 2007, Vol 90, Num 9, pp 1948-1950, issn 0125-2208, 3 p.Article

La législation du laboratoire d'analyses de biologie médicaleDESBORDES, J; GUYOTJEANNIN, C.1979, 641 p.Book

Factors contributing to laboratory design excellenceBLEVINS, Leaford.American biotechnology laboratory. 2003, Vol 21, Num 2, pp 18-19, issn 0749-3223, 2 p.Article

Laboratoires de recherche 19881988, 72 p.Book

Probabilistic characterization of shear strength using results of direct shear tests = Probabilité de la résistance au cisaillement au moyen d'essais directs du cisaillementMILLER, S. M; BORGMAN, L. E.Geotechnique. 1984, Vol 34, Num 2, pp 273-276, issn 0016-8505Article

Safe science : Material and social order in laboratory workSIMS, Benjamin.Social studies of science. 2005, Vol 35, Num 3, pp 333-366, issn 0306-3127, 34 p.Article

Erroneous laboratory results : what clinicians need to knowISMAIL, Yasmin; ISMAIL, Abbas A; ISMAIL, Adel A. A et al.Clinical medicine. 2007, Vol 7, Num 4, pp 357-361, issn 1470-2118, 5 p.Article

How can we make laboratory testing safer?BOONE, D. Joe.Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine. 2007, Vol 45, Num 6, pp 708-711, issn 1434-6621, 4 p.Article

Circannual Rhythm of Laboratory Test Parameters among Chronic Haemodialysis PatientsYANAI, Mitsuru; SATOMURA, Atsushi; UEHARA, Yuki et al.Blood purification. 2008, Vol 26, Num 2, pp 196-203, issn 0253-5068, 8 p.Article

Acorn preference by the dung beetle, Thorectes lusitanicus, under laboratory and field conditionsVERDU, José R; LOBO, Jorge M; NUMA, Catherine et al.Animal behaviour. 2007, Vol 74, pp 1697-1704, issn 0003-3472, 8 p., 6Article

Consolidation parameters derived from index tests = Paramètres de consolidation dérivés des index des essaisCARRIER, W. D. III.Geotechnique. 1985, Vol 35, Num 2, pp 211-213, issn 0016-8505Article

Dynamic earth pressures on walls rotating about the top = Pression dynamique des terrains sur des parois pouvant pivoter autour de leur sommetSHERIF, M. A; YUNG-SHOW FANG.Soils and foundations. 1984, Vol 24, Num 4, pp 109-117, issn 0038-0806Article

Appraising the moisture condition test for obtaining the Casagrande classification of soils = Evaluation de l'essai de condition d'humidité pour obtenir la classification Casagrande des solsEWAN, V. J; WEST, G.Supplementary report - Transport and Road Research Laboratory. 1983, Num 786, issn 0305-1315, 19 p.Serial Issue

Alleviating bottlenecks in a microbiology laboratoryCHAKHLEVITCH, Konstantin; GLASS, Celia A; SADD, Peter A et al.Journal of food engineering. 2011, Vol 103, Num 4, pp 377-387, issn 0260-8774, 11 p.Article

Proposals for setting generally applicable quality goals solely based on biologyFRASER, C. G; PETERSEN, P. H; LIBEER, J.-C et al.Annals of clinical biochemistry. 1997, Vol 34, pp 8-12, issn 0004-5632, 1Article

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