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Immobilized cells : a review of recent literature = Les cellules immobilisées : revue de la littérature récenteSCOTT, C. D.Enzyme and microbial technology. 1987, Vol 9, Num 2, pp 66-73, issn 0141-0229Article

Co-immobilizates : new biocatalysts for fermentation technology = Les co-immobilisats : de nouveaux bio-catalyseurs en technologie de fermentationHARTMEIER, W.Process biochemistry. 1984, Vol 19, Num 1, pp 40-42, issn 0032-9592Article

Immobilized bacteria and plasmid stabilityMARIN INIESTA, F; DE TAXIS DU POET, P; DHULSTER, P et al.Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1987, Vol 501, pp 317-329, issn 0077-8923Conference Paper

Laboratory research aimed at closing the gaps in microbial bioremediationRAMOS, Juan-Luis; MARQUES, Silvia; SOLANO, Jennifer et al.Trends in biotechnology (Regular ed.). 2011, Vol 29, Num 12, pp 641-647, issn 0167-7799, 7 p.Article

Engineered antibodiesMethods in enzymology. 1989, Vol 178, issn 0076-6879, 457 [1 p.]Article

Bayesian-Integrated Microbial ForensicsJARMAN, Kristin H; KREUZER-MARTIN, Helen W; WUNSCHEL, David S et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2008, Vol 74, Num 11, pp 3573-3582, issn 0099-2240, 10 p.Article

Microbial isobutyronitrile utilization under haloalkaline conditionsSOROKIN, Dimitry Y; VAN PELT, Sander; TOUROVA, Tatjana P et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2007, Vol 73, Num 17, pp 5574-5579, issn 0099-2240, 6 p.Article

Microbial Scout Hypothesis and Microbial DiscoveryBURGER, S; SPOERING, A; GAVRISH, E et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2012, Vol 78, Num 9, pp 3229-3233, issn 0099-2240, 5 p.Article

Microbial Scout Hypothesis, Stochastic Exit from Dormancy, and the Nature of Slow GrowersBUERGER, S; SPOERING, A; GAVRISH, E et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2012, Vol 78, Num 9, pp 3221-3228, issn 0099-2240, 8 p.Article

Photoheterotrophic Microbes in the Arctic Ocean in Summer and WinterCOTTRELL, Matthew T; KIRCHMAN, David L.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2009, Vol 75, Num 15, pp 4958-4966, issn 0099-2240, 9 p.Article

Effects of prechilling and sequential washing on enumeration of microorganisms from refuseBARLAZ, M. A; SCHAEFER, D. M; HAM, R. K et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 1989, Vol 55, Num 1, pp 50-54, issn 0099-2240Article

A hypothesis for the cause of low F/M filament bulking in nutrient removal activated sludge systemsCASEY, T. G; WENTZEL, M. C; LOEWENTHAL, R. E et al.Water research (Oxford). 1992, Vol 26, Num 6, pp 867-869, issn 0043-1354Article

Microbiological and molecular biological methods for monitoring microbial inoculants and their effects in the soil environmentVAN ELSAS, J. D; DUARTE, . G. F; ROSADO, A. S et al.Journal of microbiological methods. 1998, Vol 32, Num 2, pp 133-154, issn 0167-7012Article

The microbial flora of sugary kefir grain (the gingerbeer plant) : biosynthesis of the grain from Lactobacillus hilgardii producing a polysaccharide gel = La microflore du grain de kéfir sucré (plant de la bière de gingembre) : biosynthèse du grain par Lactobacillus hilgardii capable de produire un gel de polysaccharidePIDOUX, M.MIRCEN journal of applied microbiology and biotechnology. 1989, Vol 5, Num 2, pp 223-238, issn 0265-0762Article

Earth analogs for Martian life. Microbes in evaporites, a new model system for life on MarsROTHSCHILD, L. J.Icarus (New York, NY). 1990, Vol 88, Num 1, pp 246-260, issn 0019-1035, 15 p.Article

Identification and significance of filamentous microorganisms in activated sludgeSTROM, P. F; JENKINS, D.Journal - Water Pollution Control Federation. 1984, Vol 56, Num 5, pp 449-459, issn 0043-1303Article

Use of perfluorochemicals for oxygen supply to immobilized cellsMATTIASSON, B; ADLERCREUTZ, P.Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1983, Vol 413, pp 545-547, issn 0077-8923Article


Factors Influencing the Microbial Composition of Metalworking Fluids and Potential Implications for Machine Operator's LungMURAT, Jean-Benjamin; GRENOUILLET, Frédéric; REBOUX, Gabriel et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2012, Vol 78, Num 1, pp 34-41, issn 0099-2240, 8 p.Article

Metagenomics, biotechnology with non-culturable microbesSCHMEISSER, Christel; STEELE, Helen; STREIT, Wolfgang R et al.Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 2007, Vol 75, Num 5, pp 955-962, issn 0175-7598, 8 p.Article

Integrated analysis of established and novel microbial and chemical methods for microbial source trackingBLANCH, Anicet R; BELANCHE-MUNOZ, Lluis; MOCE, Laura et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2006, Vol 72, Num 9, pp 5915-5926, issn 0099-2240, 12 p.Article

A laboratory experiment with relevance to the survival of micro-organisms entering a planetary atmosphereAL-MUFTI, S; HOYLE, F; WICKRAMASINGHE, N. C et al.Earth, moon and planets. 1986, Vol 36, Num 1, pp 89-91, issn 0167-9295Article

Microbiological synthesis of variously protected L-glyceraldehydes in high optical purityGUANTI, G; BANFI, L; NARISANO, E et al.Tetrahedron letters. 1986, Vol 27, Num 30, pp 3547-3550, issn 0040-4039Article

Dissecting the assays to assess microbial tolerance to toxic chemicals in bioprocessingZINGARO, Kyle A; NICOLAOU, Sergios A; PAPOUTSAKIS, Eleftherios T et al.Trends in biotechnology (Regular ed.). 2013, Vol 31, Num 11, pp 643-653, issn 0167-7799, 11 p.Article

Multiplex Identification of MicrobesHYMAN, Richard W; ST.ONGE, Robert P; ALLEN, Edward A et al.Applied and environmental microbiology (Print). 2010, Vol 76, Num 12, pp 3904-3910, issn 0099-2240, 7 p.Article

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