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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 72914

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On the convergence of meansPALES, Z.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 1991, Vol 156, Num 1, pp 52-60, issn 0022-247XArticle

Refinements and extensions of an inequalityKIM, Y.-H.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 2000, Vol 245, Num 2, pp 628-632, issn 0022-247XArticle

Inequalities for meansVAMANAMURTHY, M. K; VUORINEN, M.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 1994, Vol 183, Num 1, pp 155-166, issn 0022-247XArticle

Some inequalities for elementary mean valuesMEYER, B.Mathematics of computation. 1984, Vol 42, Num 165, pp 193-194, issn 0025-5718Article

On certain inequalities for meansSANDOR, J.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 1995, Vol 189, Num 2, pp 602-606, issn 0022-247XArticle

Means, generalized divided differences, and intersections of osculating hyperplanesHORWITZ, A.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 1996, Vol 200, Num 1, pp 126-148, issn 0022-247XArticle

On the inequalities of Ky Fan, Wang-Wang and AlzerGOVEDARICA, Vidan; JOVANOVI, Milan.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 2002, Vol 270, Num 2, pp 709-712, issn 0022-247XArticle

A comparison of modified Runge-Kutta formulas based on a variety of meansABDUL-MAJID WAZWAZ.International journal of computer mathematics. 1994, Vol 50, Num 1-2, pp 105-112, issn 0020-7160Article

Tell me the method, I'll give you the meanLANN, Avital; FALK, Ruma.The American statistician. 2006, Vol 60, Num 4, pp 322-327, issn 0003-1305, 6 p.Article

Means and averages of Taylor polynomialsHORWITZ, A.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 1993, Vol 176, Num 2, pp 404-412, issn 0022-247XArticle

Invariant meansHORWITZ, Alan.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 2002, Vol 270, Num 2, pp 499-518, issn 0022-247XArticle

A note on the arithmetic-geometric-harmonic mean inequalitiesSTEFANSKI, L. A.The American statistician. 1996, Vol 50, Num 3, pp 246-247, issn 0003-1305Article

On some further extensions of the characterizations of mean values by H. Haruki and Th. M. RassiasKIM, Y.-H.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 1999, Vol 235, Num 2, pp 598-607, issn 0022-247XArticle

On some inequalities of Ky Fan and Wang-WangMCGREGOR, M. T.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 1993, Vol 180, Num 1, pp 182-188, issn 0022-247XArticle

Stochastic simulation of evaporation data for AustraliaSRIKANTHAN, R; MCMAHOV, T. A.Nordic hydrology. 1983, Vol 14, Num 4, pp 207-228, issn 0029-1277Article

Ungleichungen für Mittelwerte = Inégalités pour la moyenne = Inequalities for the mean valueALZER, H.Archiv der Mathematik. 1986, Vol 47, Num 5, pp 422-426, issn 0003-889XArticle

Operator means and range inclusionJUN ICHI FUJII.Linear algebra and its applications. 1992, Vol 170, pp 137-146, issn 0024-3795Article

On weighted extensions of Cauchy's meansMATKOWSKI, Janusz.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 2006, Vol 319, Num 1, pp 215-227, issn 0022-247X, 13 p.Article

On the order of approximation by Euler and Tayolor meansCHUI, C. K; HOLLAND, A. S. B.Journal of approximation theory. 1983, Vol 39, Num 1, pp 24-38, issn 0021-9045Article

Remark on inequalities between Hölder and Lehmer meansZHENG LIU.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 2000, Vol 247, Num 1, pp 309-313, issn 0022-247XArticle

Note on generalization of power means and their inequalitiesLIU ZHENG.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 1999, Vol 237, Num 2, pp 726-729, issn 0022-247XArticle

A short proof of Ky Fan's arithmetic-geometric inequalityMERCER, A. M.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 1996, Vol 204, Num 3, pp 940-942, issn 0022-247XArticle

Méthodes paramétriques en traitement du signal: modélisations autorégressive (AR), à moyenne ajustée (MA) et mixte autorégressive à moyenne ajustée (ARMA) = Parametric methods in signal processing: autoregressive adjusted average models and mixed autoregressive adjusted averageAGNEL, Jean-François.1984, 124 p.Report

Arma spectral estimation based on partial autocorrelationsPORAT, B.Circuits, systems, and signal processing. 1983, Vol 2, Num 3, pp 341-360, issn 0278-081XArticle

The weighted logarithmic meanNEUMAN, E.Journal of mathematical analysis and applications. 1994, Vol 188, Num 3, pp 885-900, issn 0022-247XArticle

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