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Manifestationen der progressiven, systemischen Sklerodermie im Kopf- und Halsbereich = Manifestations de la sclérodermie dans la région de la tête et du cou = Head and neek manifestations of progressive systemic sclerosisMAIER, H; ADLER, D; LENARZ, T et al.Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie. 1984, Vol 63, Num 5, pp 247-250, issn 0340-1588Article

Outcomes Research in OtorhinolaryngologySTEWART, Michael G.ORL. 2004, Vol 66, Num 4, issn 0301-1569, 68 p.Serial Issue

Basic neurophysiology of cochlear-implantsKLINKE, R; HARTMANN, R.The American journal of otology (New York, NY). 1997, Vol 18, Num 6, pp S7-S10, issn 0192-9763, SUPConference Paper

Compte Rendu de la Réunion Scientifique du Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitae SacrumMORGON, Alain.Acta oto-laryngologica. 2000, Vol 120, Num 2, issn 0001-6489, 227 p.Conference Proceedings

Les manifestations ORL de l'inadaptation climatique = ENT disorders due to climate inadaptabilityEYSSAUTIER.Les Cahiers d'oto-rhino-laryngologie, de chirurgie cervico-faciale et d'audiophonologie. 1984, Vol 19, Num 5, pp 463-471, issn 0395-3971Article

La Société canadienne d'otolaryngologie et de chirurgie cervico-faciale. 52e congrès annuel = Canadian Society of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 52nd annual meetingJournal of otolaryngology. Supplement. 1998, Vol 27, Num 1, issn 0707-7270, 75 p.Conference Proceedings

The Tenth British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology, Cambridge 4th - 9th July 1999: AbstractsJournal of laryngology and otology. Supplement. 1999, Num 23, issn 0144-2945, 64 p.Conference Proceedings

Réunion scientifique du Collegium oto-rhino-laryngologicum amicitae sacrumActa oto-laryngologica. 1996, Vol 116, Num 2, issn 0001-6489, 208 p.Conference Proceedings

Approche clinique du vertigineux = Vertigo: clinical managementDEFFRENNES, D.La Vie médicale (1969). 1987, Vol 68, Num 2-3, pp 249-252, issn 0042-5583Article

HNO-Heilkunde für das Kind- eine Sonderaufgabe? = L'othorhinolaryngologie pour l'enfant, une tâche particulière? = Pediatric ENT, a special task for ENT specialistWIGAND, M. E.Laryngologie, Rhinologie, Otologie. 1984, Vol 63, Num 3, pp 99-100, issn 0340-1588Article

The sick building syndrome: prevalence studiesFINNEGAN, M. J; PICKERING, C. A. C; BURGE, P. S et al.British medical journal (1857). 1984, Vol 289, Num 6458, pp 1573-1575, issn 0007-1447Article

Patient profile of an otolaryngologic emergency departmentGRANICK, M. S; OBEITER, R. D.JAMA, the journal of the American Medical Association. 1983, Vol 250, Num 7, pp 933-935, issn 0098-7484Article

The Eleventh British Academic Conference in Otolaryngology, Birmingham, 2nd-5th July 2003: AbstractsJournal of laryngology and otology. Supplement. 2003, Num 29, issn 0144-2945, 93 p.Conference Proceedings

A specialist institute looks to the futureHARRISON, D. F. N.ORL. 1988, Vol 50, Num 2, pp 73-78, issn 0301-1569Article

Interface research: one solution to the clinical investigator as an endangered speciesJAFEK, B. W.Ear, nose & throat journal. 1985, Vol 64, Num 9, pp 404-405, issn 0145-5613Article

Abnormal keratohyalin-like forms in leukoedemaVAN WYK, C. W; AMBROSIO, S. C; VAN DER VYVER, P. C et al.Journal of oral pathology. 1984, Vol 13, Num 3, pp 271-281, issn 0300-9777Article

Traitement symptomatique de la douleur en stomatologie étude de l'action d'un antalgique périphérique non anti-inflammatoire, la clométacine = Symptomatic treatment of pain in stomatology: study of the effect of a non anti-inflammatory peripheral antalgic, the clometacineLAUDENBACH, P; DEBOISE, A.La Vie médicale (1969). 1984, Vol 65, Num 23, pp 939-940, issn 0042-5583Article

Proceedings/American Broncho-Esophagological Association, Palm Beach, FL, USA, April 25-26, 1988The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. 1988, Vol 97, Num 5, pp 439-562, issn 0003-4894, 1Conference Proceedings

Compte-rendu/Réunion scientifique du Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum, Torino, September 6-9, 1987 = Scientific session of the Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum, Torino, September 6-9, 1987ROSSI, G.Acta oto-laryngologica. 1988, Vol 105, Num 5-6, pp 385-594, issn 0001-6489Conference Proceedings

Communication et oto-rhino-laryngologie = Communication and ENTLa Vie médicale (1969). 1986, Vol 67, Num 4, pp 133-150, issn 0042-5583Article

Burning Mouth Syndrome: a historical reviewGRUSHKA, M; SESSLE, B. J.The Clinical journal of pain. 1986, Vol 2, Num 4, pp 245-252, issn 0749-8047Article

Le saignement de nez = EpistaxisLEOWSKI, S; VERGNON, L.La Vie médicale (1969). 1984, Vol 65, Num 28, pp 1269-1270, issn 0042-5583Article

Vertiges = VertigoDEFFRENNES, D; TRAN BA HUY, P.Gazette médicale de France (1969). 1988, Vol 95, Num 3, pp 16-19, issn 0016-5557, 2 p.Article

La crénothérapie sulfurée O.R.L. Arguments biologiques et statistiques = E.N.T. crenotherapyDARROUZET, J.-M; DARROUZET, F.Revue de laryngologie, d'otologie et de rhinologie (1919). 1988, Vol 109, Num 3, pp 269-271, issn 0035-1334Article

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