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General Meeting of the European Society for NeurochemistryJournal of neurochemistry. 1998, Vol 71, issn 0022-3042, 109 p., SUP1Conference Proceedings

Effects of adenosine triphosphate on neuron activities in the lateral and medial vestibular nucleiMORI, T; KASHII, S; MATSUOKA, I et al.Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie et de thérapie. 1985, Vol 274, Num 1, pp 129-138, issn 0003-9780Article

Endogenous material in brain inhibiting [3H] nicotine and [3H] acetylcholine bindingSERSHEN, H; REITH, M. E. A; HASHIM, A et al.Journal of neuroscience research. 1984, Vol 12, Num 4, pp 563-569, issn 0360-4012Article

Prospective effect of vitamin E on spinal cord injury by compression and current lipid peroxidationIWASA, K; IKATA, T; FUKUZAWA, K et al.Free radical biology & medicine. 1989, Vol 6, Num 6, pp 599-606, issn 0891-5849, 8 p.Article

β-Carbolines activate neurons in the substantia nigra pars reticulata: an effect reversed by diazepam and Ro15-1788MEREU, G; FANNI, B; SERRA, M et al.European journal of pharmacology. 1983, Vol 96, Num 1-2, pp 129-132, issn 0014-2999Article

American Society for Neurochemistry. Annual MeetingJournal of neurochemistry. 1998, Vol 70, issn 0022-3042, 97 p., SUP1Conference Proceedings

Arginine vasopressin as a central neurotransmitterRIPHAGEN, C. L; PITTMAN, Q. J.Federation proceedings. 1986, Vol 45, Num 9, pp 2318-2322, issn 0014-9446Conference Paper

Buoyant density and lipid composition of purified myelin of aging human brainSTOMMEL, A; BERLET, H. H; DEBUCH, H et al.Mechanisms of ageing and development. 1989, Vol 48, Num 1, pp 1-14, issn 0047-6374, 14 p.Article

Brainography: An Atlas-Independent Surface and Network Rendering Tool for Neural Connectivity VisualizationLOCASTRO, E; KUCEYESKI, A; RAJ, A et al.Neuroinformatics. 2014, Vol 12, Num 2, pp 355-359, issn 1539-2791, 5 p.Article

Neurotherapeutic Implications of Brain-Immune InteractionsFELGER, Jennifer C; MILLER, Andrew H.Neuropsychopharmacology (New York, NY). 2014, Vol 39, Num 1, pp 242-243, issn 0893-133X, 2 p.Article

What we can and cannot tell about the wiring of the human brainPASSINGHAM, Richard E.NeuroImage (Orlando, Fla.). 2013, Vol 80, pp 14-17, issn 1053-8119, 4 p.Article

Functional interactions between intrinsic brain activity and behaviorSADAGHIANI, Sepideh; KLEINSCHMIDT, Andreas.NeuroImage (Orlando, Fla.). 2013, Vol 80, pp 379-386, issn 1053-8119, 8 p.Article

A Half-Truth Is a Whole Lie: On the Necessity of Investigating Sex Influences on the BrainCAHILL, Larry.Endocrinology (Philadelphia). 2012, Vol 153, Num 6, pp 2541-2543, issn 0013-7227, 3 p.Article

Rejuvenation of Regeneration in the Aging Central Nervous SystemRUCKH, Julia M; ZHAO, Jing-Wei; SHADRACH, Jennifer L et al.Cell stem cell. 2012, Vol 10, Num 1, pp 96-103, issn 1934-5909, 8 p.Article

Is research on brain oscillations in a new take off-state in integrative brain function?BASAR, Erol.International journal of psychophysiology. 2012, Vol 85, Num 3, pp 285-288, issn 0167-8760, 4 p.Conference Paper

MULTIFUNCTIONAL ROLES OF ACTIVINS IN THE BRAINAGETA, Hiroshi; TSUCHIDA, Kunihiro.Vitamins and hormones. 2011, Vol 85, pp 185-206, issn 0083-6729, 22 p.Article

A Mother's Brain KnowsGRATTAN, Dave.Journal of neuroendocrinology. 2011, Vol 23, Num 11, pp 1188-1189, issn 0953-8194, 2 p.Article

A novel, rapid, cell-counting method for unfixed frozen brains comprehensively quantifies at least four neural cell populationsHAYASHI, Y; NIHONMATSU-KIKUCHI, N; HISANAGA, S-I et al.Molecular psychiatry. 2011, Vol 16, Num 12, issn 1359-4184, p. 1155Article

Settling the great glia debateSMITH, Kerri.Nature (London). 2010, Vol 468, Num 7321, pp 160-162, issn 0028-0836, 3 p.Article

NEUROSCIENCES COMPUTATIONNELLES : Le cerveau dans tous ses étatsRecherche (Paris, 1970). 2008, Num 422, issn 0029-5671, I-IIIArticle

Les mécanisme de la douleurCALVINO, Bernard.Psycho-oncologie. 2007, Vol 1, Num 2, pp 81-87, issn 1778-3798, 7 p.Article

Are XX and XY brain cells intrinsically different?ARNOLD, Arthur P; BURGOYNE, Paul S.Trends in endocrinology and metabolism. 2004, Vol 15, Num 1, pp 6-11, issn 1043-2760, 6 p.Article

A non-invasive method for observing hippocampal functionHANLON, Faith M; WEISEND, Michael P; MINGXIONG HUANG et al.Neuroreport (Oxford). 2003, Vol 14, Num 15, pp 1957-1960, issn 0959-4965, 4 p.Article

Striopallidodentate calcinosis of the brainFRANCOIS, O; VAN DEN HAUWE, L; MARTENS, J. M et al.Journal belge de radiologie (1924). 2003, Vol 86, Num 3, pp 160-161, issn 0302-7430, 2 p.Article

Neuroactive steroids in the third millenniumMELCANGI, Roberto C; PANZICA, GianCarlo.Brain research reviews. 2001, Vol 37, Num 1-3, issn 0165-0173, 385 p.Conference Proceedings

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