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Résultats 1 à 25 sur 1551

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Sensory control of clutch size in the Common Swift Apus apusHAYWOOD, Sacha.Ibis (London. 1859). 2013, Vol 155, Num 4, pp 714-724, issn 0019-1019, 11 p.Article

The ecology of clutch size variation in Darwin's Small Ground Finch Geospiza fuliginosa : comparison between lowland and highland habitatsKLEINDORFER, S.Ibis (London. 1859). 2007, Vol 149, Num 4, pp 730-741, issn 0019-1019, 12 p.Article

The effect of clutch size on whole clutch cannibalism in the beaugregory damselfishPAYNE, A. G; SMITH, C; CAMPBELL, A. C et al.Journal of fish biology. 2003, Vol 62, Num 4, pp 955-958, issn 0022-1112, 4 p.Article

Brood reduction: narrow sense, broad senseMOCK, D. W.Journal of avian biology. 1994, Vol 25, Num 1, pp 3-7, issn 0908-8857Article

The spur-winged plover (Vanellus spinosus) is a determinate egg layerYOGEV, A; YOM-TOV, Y.The condor (Los Angeles, CA). 1994, Vol 96, Num 4, pp 1109-1110, issn 0010-5422Article

Weather and reproductive variation in shrubsteppe sparrows : a hierarchical analysisROTENBERRY, J. T; WIENS, J. A.Ecology (Durham). 1991, Vol 72, Num 4, pp 1325-1335, issn 0012-9658Article

Renesting ability and clutch size in precocial birdsMILONOFF, M.Oikos. 1991, Vol 62, Num 2, pp 189-194, issn 0030-1299Article

Can nest predation limit clutch size in precocial birds?MILONOFF, M.Oikos. 1989, Vol 55, Num 3, pp 424-427, issn 0030-1299, 4 p.Article

Reversed sexual dimorphism in raptors: which sex changed size?MONTGOMERIE, R; LUNDBERG, A.Oikos. 1989, Vol 56, Num 2, pp 283-286, issn 0030-1299, 4 p.Article

Offspring sex ratio variation in relation to brood size and mortality in a promiscuous species: the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicolaDYRCZ, Andrzej; SAUER-GÜRTH, Hedi; TKADLEC, Emil et al.Ibis (London. 1859). 2004, Vol 146, Num 2, pp 269-280, issn 0019-1019, 12 p.Article

Angaben zur Gelegregrösse bei Platysternon megacephalum (Gray, 1831) mit Röntgenbild eines Weibchens vor der EiablageBUDDE, H.Salamandra (Frankfurt am Main). 1991, Vol 27, Num 3, pp 213-215, issn 0036-3375Article

Clutch size, nest predation, and distribution of avian unequal competitors in a patchy environmentPAPER MØLLER, A.Ecology (Durham). 1991, Vol 72, Num 4, pp 1336-1349, issn 0012-9658Article

Mass date about the clutch size in the wood grouseBESHKAREV, A. B.Èkologiâ. 1990, Num 2, issn 0367-0597, p. 79Article

Repeatability of clutch size in house wrensKENNEDY, E. D; WHITE, D. W.The Wilson bulletin (Wilson Ornithological Society). 1991, Vol 103, Num 4, pp 552-558, issn 0043-5643Article

A model incorporating a reduction in carrying capacity translates brood size trends into a population decline : the case of Finnish starlings, 1951-2005RINTALA, Jukka; TIAINEN, Juha.Oikos. 2008, Vol 117, Num 1, pp 47-59, issn 0030-1299, 13 p.Article

Historical changes in laying date, clutch size, and nest success of American black ducksKREMENTZ, D. G; STOTTS, V. D; STOTTS, D. B et al.The Journal of wildlife management. 1991, Vol 55, Num 3, pp 462-466, issn 0022-541XArticle

Nutrient limitation of clutch size in waterfowl : is there a universal hypothesis?DROBNEY, R. D.The condor (Los Angeles, CA). 1991, Vol 93, Num 4, pp 1026-1028, issn 0010-5422Article

The role of nutrient reserves in limiting waterfowl reproductionANKNEY, C. D; AFTON, A. D; ALISAUSKAS, R. T et al.The condor (Los Angeles, CA). 1991, Vol 93, Num 4, pp 1029-1032, issn 0010-5422Article

The evolution of clutch size and hatching asynchrony in altricial birds: the effect of environmental variability, egg failure and predationKONARZEWSKI, M.Oikos. 1993, Vol 67, Num 1, pp 97-106, issn 0030-1299Article

The insurance hypothesis and the theory of clutch size in birds and in invertebratesHARDY, I. C. W.The Auk. 1992, Vol 109, Num 4, pp 936-937, issn 0004-8038Article

Determinate and indeterminate egg-laying patterns: a reviewKENNEDY, E. D.The condor (Los Angeles, CA). 1991, Vol 93, Num 1, pp 106-124, issn 0010-5422Article

Can changes in provisioning by parent birds account for seasonally declining patterns of offspring recruitment?BORTOLOTTI, L. E; HARRIMAN, V. B; CLARK, R. G et al.Canadian journal of zoology. 2011, Vol 89, Num 10, pp 921-928, issn 0008-4301, 8 p.Article

The evolutionary ecology of offspring size in marine invertebratesMARSHALL, Dustin J; KEOUGH, Michael J.Advances in marine biology. 2008, Vol 53, pp 1-60, issn 0065-2881, 60 p.Article

Does Mallard clutch size vary with landscape composition: A different viewZICUS, Michael C; FIEBERG, John; RAVE, David P et al.The Wilson bulletin (Wilson Ornithological Society). 2003, Vol 115, Num 4, pp 409-413, issn 0043-5643, 5 p.Article

Premières données sur la reproduction du Bulbul orphée Pycnonotus jocosus sur l'île de la Réunion = First data on Red-whiskered Bulbul Pycnonotus jocosus breeding in Reunion IslandBARRE, S; MANDON-DALGER, I; CLERGEAU, P et al.Alauda (Dijon). 1998, Vol 66, Num 3, pp 258-260, issn 0002-4619Article

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