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Quarzsande ― Mineralogische Eigenschaften, Lagerstätten und Aufbereitung = Sables quartziques ― Propriétés minéralogiques, gisement et traitement = Quartz sands ― mineralogical properties, deposits and processingWENINGER, M.1986, Vol 17, Num 4, pp 116-120Article

The physical effect of drying andrehydrating rhizobium on inoculated seedSALEMA, m. P; PARKER, C. A; KIDBY, D. K et al.Biological nitrogen fixation technology for tropical agriculture. Papers. 1982, pp 219-222, isbn 84-89206-22-8Conference Paper

Vaporizing VOCs = Evaporer les composants organiquesHUTZLER, N. J; GIERKE, J. S; MURPHY, B. E et al.Civil engineering ASCE. 1990, Vol 60, Num 4, pp 57-60, issn 0360-0556, 4 p.Article

Effect of puff cooking on structure and chemical properties of several lignocellulosic agrowastesTANIGUCHI, M; TANAKA, M; GOTO, T et al.Agricultural and biological chemistry. 1985, Vol 49, Num 5, pp 1243-1249, issn 0002-1369Article

Technological aspects and potential applications of (ultra) high-pressure homogenisationDUMAY, Eliane; CHEVALIER-LUCIA, Dominique; PICART-PALMADE, Laëtitia et al.Trends in food science & technology (Regular ed.). 2013, Vol 31, Num 1, pp 13-26, issn 0924-2244, 14 p.Article

EFFECT OF HIGH PRESSURE ON LACTOCOCCAL BACTERIOPHAGESAVSAROGLU, M. Dilek; BOZOGLU, Faruk; AKCELIK, Mustafa et al.Journal of food safety. 2009, Vol 29, Num 1, pp 26-36, issn 0149-6085, 11 p.Article

Preserving Foods through High-Pressure ProcessingBALASUBRAMANIAM, V. M; FARKAS, Daniel; TUREK, Evan J et al.Food technology (Chicago). 2008, Vol 62, Num 11, pp 32-38, issn 0015-6639, 7 p.Article

Bauschuttrecycling und Aufbereitungsanlagen = Recyclage de gravats et installations de traitementGALLENKEMPER, B.BMT. Baumaschine + Bautechnik. 1986, Vol 33, Num 5, pp 249-255, issn 0005-6693Article

Titanium dioxide plasma treatmentDEGOUT, D; KASSABJI, F; FAUCHAIS, P et al.Plasma chemistry and plasma processing. 1984, Vol 4, Num 3, pp 179-198, issn 0272-4324Article

A new high-pressure micronisation process for the gentle processing of high molecular mass gelatineREIBE, Christian; KNEZ, Zeljko; WEIDNER, Eckhard et al.Food and bioproducts processing. 2012, Vol 90, Num 2, pp 79-86, issn 0960-3085, 8 p.Article

Inactivation of foodborne viruses of significance by high pressure and other processesGROVE, Stephen F; LEE, Alvin; LEWIS, Tom et al.Journal of food protection. 2006, Vol 69, Num 4, pp 957-968, issn 0362-028X, 12 p.Article

Müllverbrennung ― thermische Verwertung = Incinération des déchets - Recyclage thermique = Refuse incineration - thermal recyclingBECKER, J.Bautechnik (Berlin, 1984). 1993, Vol 70, Num 9, pp 518-523, issn 0932-8351Article

Advances in design for successful commercial high pressure food processingHERNANDO SAIZ, A; TARRAGO MINGO, S; PURROY BALDA, F et al.Food Australia. 2008, Vol 60, Num 4, pp 154-156, issn 1032-5298, 3 p.Article

Photoinduced electron transfer cleavage of lignocellulosicsTIMPA, J. D; GRIFFIN, G. W.Cellulose chemistry and technology. 1985, Vol 19, Num 3, pp 279-289, issn 0576-9787Article

A basic research on enzymatic saccharification of cellulose biomass. I. Chemical and physical pretreatments for pure celluloseTAKAI, M; SHIMIZU, Y.-I; TANNO, K et al.Cellulose chemistry and technology. 1985, Vol 19, Num 3, pp 217-229, issn 0576-9787Article

PREPARATION OF TOFU GEL BY HIGH-PRESSURE PROCESSINGHONGKANG ZHANG; LITE LI; MITTAL, G. S et al.Journal of food processing and preservation. 2009, Vol 33, Num 4, pp 560-569, issn 0145-8892, 10 p.Article

Effect of treatment by gaseous carbon dioxide on the colloidal phase of skim milkGEVAUDAN, S; LAGAUDE, A; TARODO DE LA FUENTE, B et al.Journal of dairy science. 1996, Vol 79, Num 10, pp 1713-1721, issn 0022-0302Article

Activités granulats du groupe RMC en France: l'exemple du Méry-sur-Marne = Aggregate materials activities of RMC Group in France: the exemple of Méry-sur-MarneFOUCQUIER, J.Art et archéologie dans l'Ain et Rhône-Alpes. 1986, Vol 68, pp 367-370, issn 0766-1150Article

Microprocessor control of a systemBAILLIE, J. D; LANGFORD, P. L.ASHRAE journal. 1985, Vol 27, Num 9, pp 22-27, issn 0001-2491Article

Reclaim gas treating solventTHOMASON, J.Hydrocarbon processing (International ed.). 1985, Vol 64, Num 4, pp 75-78, issn 0018-8190Article

Inactivation of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris Using High Pressure Homogenization and Dimethyl DicarbonateWEI CHEN; HARTE, Federico M; DAVIDSON, P. M et al.Journal of food protection. 2013, Vol 76, Num 6, pp 1041-1045, issn 0362-028X, 5 p.Article

Effect of High Hydrostatic Pressure Processing on Freely Suspended and Bivalve-Associated T7 BacteriophageAUGUST SHELDON, Todd; BOARDMAN, Gregory D; FLICK, George J et al.Journal of food protection. 2008, Vol 71, Num 2, pp 345-350, issn 0362-028X, 6 p.Article

Application des hautes pressions pour le magret de canard fume-secheLUCAN, A; ZUBER, F.Viandes et produits carnés (Aubière). 2006, pp 251-252, issn 0241-0389, 2 p., HSConference Paper

Separex system makes hydrocarbon recovery feasibleMILLER, B. D; RICHARDS, R; SCHOTT, M. E et al.Energy progress. 1985, Vol 5, Num 1, pp 25-32, issn 0278-4521Article

A note on the effect of combined ultrasonic and heat treatments on the survival of thermoduric streptococciORDONEZ, J. A; SANZ, B; HERNANDEZ, P. E et al.Journal of applied bacteriology. 1984, Vol 56, Num 1, pp 175-177, issn 0021-8847Article

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