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Elektronenmikroskopische untersuchungen an dem typusmaterial der zentrischen kieselalge Cyclotella stelligera Cleve et Grunow = Electon microscopy research on the type-material of Cyclotella stelligera Cleve et GrunowCHANG, T.-P.Diatom research. 1991, Vol 6, Num 1, pp 1-14, issn 0269-249XArticle

Valves in the subsidiary lymph trunks in the neckLANGFORD, Richard J.Journal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery. 2002, Vol 30, Num 2, pp 121-124, issn 1010-5182Article

Penetration of meropenem into heart valve tissueNEWSOM, S. W. B; PALSINGH, J; WELLS, F. C et al.Journal of antimicrobial chemotherapy (Print). 1995, Vol 36, pp 57-62, issn 0305-7453, SUPAArticle

Frainsktruktur konjunktivaler Lymphgefässklappen = Fine structure of conjunctival lymphatic valvesGRÜNTZIG, J; DJAJADISASTRA, A; UTHOFF, D et al.Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde. 1994, Vol 205, Num 3, pp 147-155, issn 0023-2165Article

Lymph transport in the skinIKOMI, F; SCHMID-SCHÖNBEIN, G. W.Clinics in dermatology. 1995, Vol 13, Num 5, pp 419-427, issn 0738-081XArticle

Neusklepchirurgie met spreader grafts Patiëntendemonstratie = Nasal valve surgery with spreader graftsINGELS, K.Acta oto-rhino-laryngologica belgica. 1995, Vol 49, Num 1, pp 29-31, issn 0001-6497Article

The effect of air-gaping behaviour on extrapallial fluid pH in the tropical oyster Crassostrea rhizophoraeLITTLEWOOD, D. T. J; YOUNG, R. E.Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A. Physiology. 1994, Vol 107, Num 1, pp 1-6, issn 1096-4940Article

Morphologie des valves et du cingulum chez Aulacoseira ambigua (Grun.) Simonsen (Bacillariophycées). Quelques observations sur les phases pré- et postauxospores = Morphology of valves and cingulum in Aulacoseira ambigua (Grun.) Simonsen (Bacillariophyceae). Some observations on the pre- and postauxospore stagesLE COHU, R.Nova Hedwigia. 1991, Vol 53, Num 3-4, pp 409-421, issn 0029-5035Article

Physiologic effects of open and closed tracheostomy tubes on the pharyngeal swallowDIEZ GROSS, Roxann; MAHLMANN, Jeanne; GRAYHACK, Judith P et al.The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. 2003, Vol 112, Num 2, pp 143-152, issn 0003-4894, 10 p.Article

Surgically created double-orifice left atrioventricular valve : A valve-sparing repair in selected atrioventricular septal defects. DiscussionMACE, Loïc; DERVANIAN, Patrice; HOUYEL, Lucile et al.Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 2001, Vol 121, Num 2, pp 352-365, issn 0022-5223Conference Paper

Posterior urethral valves with persistent high serum creatinine : The value of percutaneous nephrostomyGHALI, Ahmed M; EL MALKI, Talal; SHEIR, Khaled Z et al.The Journal of urology. 2000, Vol 164, Num 4, pp 1340-1344, issn 0022-5347Article

Detrusor hypocontractility in children with posterior urethral valves arises before pubertyDE GENNARO, M; CAPITANUCCI, M. L; CAPOZZA, N et al.British journal of urology. Supplement. 1998, Vol 81, Num 3, pp 81-85, issn 1358-8672Conference Paper

Airflow and pressure characteristics of three different tracheostoma valvesGROLMAN, W; GROLMAN, E; VAN STEENWIJK, R. P et al.The Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. 1998, Vol 107, Num 4, pp 312-318, issn 0003-4894Conference Paper

Intérêt de la néphrostomie percutanée dans la prise en charge des valves de l'urèthre postérieur chez le nouveau-né. Commentaires = Value of percutaneous nephrostomy in the management of posterior urethral valves in neonates. CommentariesVAN GLABEKE, E; PHILIPPE-CHOMETTE, P; MONTAGNE, J.-P et al.Progrès en urologie (Paris). 1997, Vol 7, Num 6, pp 996-1001, issn 1166-7087Article

Assessment of flow events at the ductus venosus-inferior vena cava junction and at the foramen ovale in fetal sheep by use of multimodal ultrasoundSCHMIDT, K. G; SILVERMAN, N. H; RUDOLPH, A. M et al.Circulation (New York, N.Y.). 1996, Vol 93, Num 4, pp 826-833, issn 0009-7322Article

Quadricuspid aortic valve diagnosed by transesophageal echocardiographyGEORGESON, S; NEIBART, R. M.The American heart journal. 1996, Vol 132, Num 6, pp 1292-1293, issn 0002-8703Article

Marine diatoms of the Xisha Islands, South China Sea : Mastlogloia Thw, Ex, Wm, Smith : species of Group EllipticaeLIU SHICHENG.Acta oceanologica sinica. 1995, Vol 14, Num 1, pp 59-71, issn 0253-505XArticle

The genus CraticulaMANN, D. G; STICKLE, A. J.Diatom research. 1991, Vol 6, Num 1, pp 79-107, issn 0269-249XArticle

How i do it: Lateralizing the collapsed nasal valveRIZVI, Syed S; GAUTHIER, Marie G.The Laryngoscope. 2003, Vol 113, Num 11, pp 2052-2054, issn 0023-852X, 3 p.Article

Der erste Fundort der Navicula microrhombus (Bacillariophyceae) in Europa = First record of Navicula microrhombus (Bacillariophyceae) from EuropeHINDAKOVA, A.Archiv für Hydrobiologie. Supplementband, Algological studies. 2000, Vol 131, pp 49-58, issn 0342-1120Article

Venous valves in the neck : Implications for microvascular free flap reconstructionEDMONDS, J. L; WOODROOF, J. M; GIROD, D. A et al.Archives of otolaryngology, head & neck surgery. 1999, Vol 125, Num 10, pp 1151-1153, issn 0886-4470Conference Paper

Valve development in Stephanodiscus hantzschii grunow (bacillariophyceae) and its implications on species identificationKLING, H. J.Diatom research. 1992, Vol 7, Num 2, pp 241-257, issn 0269-249XArticle

Valve ultrastructure and systematic position of Gomphonema kaznakowi MereschkowskyKOCIOLEK, J. P.Diatom research. 1992, Vol 7, Num 2, pp 259-265, issn 0269-249XArticle

Evidence for parallel evolution of frustule shape in two lines of pennate diatoms from the epiphytonMEDLIN, L. K.Diatom research. 1991, Vol 6, Num 1, pp 109-124, issn 0269-249XArticle

Video observations on non-swimming valve claps in the Antarctic scallop Adamussium colbeckiMCCLINTOCK, James B; TACKETT, Laura B; BOWSER, Samuel S et al.Antarctic science (Print). 2010, Vol 22, Num 2, pp 173-174, issn 0954-1020, 2 p.Article

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