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La dépollution des solsCOURBON, Leslie; BONDEELLE, Antoine; DUVAL, Cédric et al.Travail & sécurité (Paris). 2014, Num 748, pp 15-28, issn 0373-1944, 14 p.Article

On fait aujourd'hui le lien entre santé et performanceRAVALLEC, Céline; VAUDOUX, Delphine.Travail & sécurité (Paris). 2014, Num 746, pp 10-12, issn 0373-1944, 3 p.Article

Effects of supervised and individualized weekly walking on exercise stereotypes and quality of life in older sedentary femalesEMILE, M; CHALABAEV, A; PRADIER, C et al.Science & sports. 2014, Vol 29, Num 3, pp 156-163, issn 0765-1597, 8 p.Article

Obese adult phenotype: Adaptations of small intestine to cafeteria diet and aerobic physical training after weaningALMEIDA, F. Natali; ANDRADE, M. Lucca; FRANZOI DE MORAES, S. Marta et al.Science & sports. 2014, Vol 29, Num 1, pp 20-26, issn 0765-1597, 7 p.Article

Prevalence of dehydration and fluid intake practices in elite rally Dakar drivers = Strategies hydriques et prevalence de la deshydratation chez les pilotes élites du rallye Paris—DakarCASTRO-SEPULVEDA, M; RAMIREZ-CAMPILLO, R; ASTUDILLO, S et al.Science & sports. 2014, Vol 29, Num 6, pp 327-330, issn 0765-1597, 4 p.Article

Relationship between isokinetic and explosive strength among elite Tunisian taekwondo practitionersHAMMAMI, N; OUERGUI, I; ZINOUBI, B et al.Science & sports. 2014, Vol 29, Num 3, pp 150-155, issn 0765-1597, 6 p.Article

Shock absorbers for vascular trans-tibial amputees in environmental situations seem more efficient on comfort than on oxygen consumption = Effets d'un amortisseur de chocs sur le confort prothétique et la consommation d'oxygène chez les patients amputés tibiaux vasculaires en situation écologiquePOPIELARZ, S; LACROIX, J; MUNOZ, M et al.Science & sports. 2014, Vol 29, Num 4, pp 203-210, issn 0765-1597, 8 p.Article

The effects of caffeine on rugby passing accuracy while performing the Reactive Agility TestASSI, H. N; BOTTOMS, L.Science & sports. 2014, Vol 29, Num 5, pp 275-281, issn 0765-1597, 7 p.Article

Connaissances des médecins généralistes et des pharmaciens d'officine en matière de dopage sportif = Knowledge of general practitioners and retail pharmacists of doping in sportDELAUNAY, S; ROCHCONGAR, P; BOURGES, G et al.Science & sports. 2014, Vol 29, Num 1, pp 34-41, issn 0765-1597, 8 p.Article

Hyperthyroïdie chez un sportif: aux frontières du surentraînement = Hyperthyroidism in an athlete: On the edge of overtrainingBRUN, J.-F; BOEGNER, C; FEDOU, C et al.Science & sports. 2014, Vol 29, Num 2, pp 95-100, issn 0765-1597, 6 p.Article

L'entraînement combiné de la force et de l'endurance chez de jeunes footballeurs = Concurrent strength and endurance training in young football playersKHANFIR, M. A; KAMOUN, A; HEUBERT, R et al.Science & sports. 2014, Vol 29, Num 2, pp 71-77, issn 0765-1597, 7 p.Article

Age- and sex-dependent disparity in physical fitness between obese and normalweight children and adolescentsWOLL, A; WORTH, A; MÜNDERMANN, A et al.Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2013, Vol 53, Num 1, pp 48-55, issn 0022-4707, 8 p.Article

An EMG study on characteristics of premotor and motor components in an agility reaction time test on athletesZHANG, J; CHEN, R; WU, Y et al.Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2013, Vol 53, Num 5, pp 566-572, issn 0022-4707, 7 p.Article

Blood antioxidant and oxidative stress biomarkers acute responses to a 1000-m kayak sprint in elite male kayakersTEIXEIRA, V. H; VALENTE, H. F; CASAL, S. I et al.Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2013, Vol 53, Num 1, pp 71-79, issn 0022-4707, 9 p.Article

Effect of cycling competition type on effort based on heart rate and session rating of perceived exertionRODRIGUEZ-MARROYO, J. A; VILLA, J. G; FERNANDEZ, G et al.Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2013, Vol 53, Num 2, pp 154-161, issn 0022-4707, 8 p.Article

Effects of heat preconditioning on overload training induced myocardial injuryYANG, Y; LI, Z; LIU, H et al.Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2013, Vol 53, Num 1, pp 93-100, issn 0022-4707, 8 p.Article

Effects of training on body composition, blood lipids, and glucose homeostasis assessed by the homeostasis model assessmentEIZADI, M; BAGHERI, G; KASPARAST, J. M et al.Science & sports. 2013, Vol 28, Num 2, pp 75-80, issn 0765-1597, 6 p.Article

How injuries affect rehabilitation workload in a National Team during an elite soccer event? An experience from the FIFA 2010 World CupEIRALE, C; FAROOQ, A; BISCIOTTI, G et al.Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2013, Vol 53, Num 2, pp 192-197, issn 0022-4707, 6 p.Article

La pubalgie du sportif en pratique : Pubalgies du sportif = Athletic pubalgia in medicine : Athletic pubalgiaSAILLY, M.Science & sports. 2013, Vol 28, Num 4, pp 225-232, issn 0765-1597, 8 p.Article

Resumption of support of operated leg after knee surgery through the practise of table tennisDAUTY, M; MENU, P; FOUASSON CHAILLOUX, A et al.Science & sports. 2013, Vol 28, Num 4, pp 181-187, issn 0765-1597, 7 p.Article

Running a 100-km ultra-marathon induces an inflammatory response but does not raise the level of the plasma iron-regulatory protein hepcidinKASPROWICZ, K; ZIEMANN, E; RATKOWSKI, W et al.Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2013, Vol 53, Num 5, pp 533-537, issn 0022-4707, 5 p.Article

The acute effects of combined static and dynamic stretch protocols on fitness performances in soccer playersAMIRI-KHORASANI, M; SOTOODEH, V.Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2013, Vol 53, Num 5, pp 559-565, issn 0022-4707, 7 p.Article

The interactive effects of exercise type and environment temperature on HSP72 in active femalesABDI HAMZEHKOLAEI, H; DABIDI ROSHAN, V; HOSSEINZADEH, M et al.Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2013, Vol 53, Num 1, pp 80-87, issn 0022-4707, 8 p.Article

Bénéfices psychologiques des activités physiques adaptées dans les maladies chroniques = Psychological outcome of exercise in patients with chronic diseaseNINO, G.Science & sports. 2013, Vol 28, Num 1, pp 1-10, issn 0765-1597, 10 p.Article

L'exercice physique aigu et la performance cognitive chez l'enfant et l'adolescent = Acute exercise and cognitive performance in children and adolescentsST-LOUIS-DESCHENES, M; ELLEMBERG, D.Science & sports. 2013, Vol 28, Num 2, pp 57-64, issn 0765-1597, 8 p.Article

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